UN envoy appeals for other nations to ‘keep out of Libya’ – UN News

GhassamSalam, head of the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL),was speaking to reportersin New Yorkon Monday, following a closed-door meeting of the Security Council.

It was heldafter dozens of cadets were killedthis past weekend in adroneattack on a military academyin thecapital, Tripoli, located in western Libyaand seat of theUN-recognized government.

Since April, the cityhas been undersiegeby the Libyan National Army (LNA), which is aligned with a rival administration in the east.

Theattackonthe military academyis the latest in a recent spike in aerial bombings andprobablywas carried out by a country supporting the LNA, according to Mr.Salam.

He called forothercountries to take your hands out of Libya,which is suffering fromincreasingforeign interferencein thelong-running factional conflict which hasleft the country in crisis sincethefall offormer dictatorMuammarGadaffiin 2011.

What I asked the Security Council,andwhat I askedthese countries,isvery clear: keep out of Libya. There are enough weapons in Libya; they do not need extra weapons. There are enough mercenaries in Libya,so stop sendingmercenaries as is the case right now with hundreds, probably thousands, coming into the country of late,he said.

There is a resolution calling foranarms embargoin Libya.Those who voted for this resolution are necessarily in need to implement it.If everybodyviolatesthe arms embargo, its a problem. But if those whovoted for it areviolating it,its an even bigger problem.

The UN envoydescribed the current situation in Libya as particularly difficult and bleak.

Ordinary people are paying dearly, with dozens of schools closed, health facilities attacked, and thousands displaced.

Mr.Salamstressed that there is no military solution to the conflict, which couldpotentially have animpactonfragileneighbouringcountries.

He stated:Libya is not only an oil story. Libya is not only a gas story. Libya is not only a geopolitical story: it is also a human story. And people are suffering, and for no other reason but for the fact that there is no international, clear message that enough is enough.

The United Nations is determined to find a way out of the current bleak situation, he said.

UNSMILhaslaunched a three-track process to bring thetwosides together to address the economic and financial situation, military and security matters, and political dialogue.

The firsttrackbegan on Monday, with representatives from the parties meeting in Tunis to discusseconomic and financial concerns, he reported.

I hope that in the next two weeksIwill be able to launchthe second track, concerningmilitary and securityissues: that is the ceasefire,thearms embargo, DDR(disarmament, demobilizationand reintegration)process,terrorism and counter terrorism, and these kindsof issues,he added.

And I am hopeful that before the end of this month we will be able to launch the political dialogue, probablyin Geneva.

Mr.Salamalsoexpressed hope thataconference will be heldinBerlinin the coming weeks togive an international "push to efforts underway on the ground.

See original here:
UN envoy appeals for other nations to 'keep out of Libya' - UN News

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