UNHCR Libya Operation Update 23 – 29 June 2017 – Reliefweb


240,188 Libyans currently internally displaced persons (IDPs)

1 249,298 returned IDPs (returns registered in 2017)

1 41,319 registered refugees and asylum-seekers in Libya

81,973 persons arriving in Italy by sea so far in 2017

2 1,718 sea rescue/hygiene kits distributed so far in 2017


On 28 June, a Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) attack targeted a UN Convoy in Azzawya, 48km west of Tripoli. The four armoured vehicles, carrying 16 UN staff members, were traveling from Surman to Tripoli. No casualties were reported. Coordination for the safe return of the staff to Tripoli is ongoing. There are currently 14 UN organizations with 125 national staff in Tripoli. UNHCR is present in Tripoli and Benghazi with 34 national staff. International staff in Tunis (19) undertake temporary missions to Tripoli, on a rotational basis. This incident may have an impact on UNHCRs plans to expand presence in Libya.

The European Council met on 22-23 June 2017 and discussed, among other topics, measures to tackle migration and to protect the European Unions external borders. European leaders reaffirmed their commitment to the EU's comprehensive approach to migration, noting that loss of life and continuing migratory flows of primarily economic migrants on the Central Mediterranean route is a structural challenge and remains an issue of urgent and serious concern. Conclusions of the meeting also indicated that EU Member States will have to restore control to avoid a worsening humanitarian crisis and that IOM and UNHCR remain important partners, including to facilitate voluntary returns and improve reception conditions.


On 26 June, 133 asylum seekers and migrants were rescued/intercepted at sea by the Libyan Coast Guard (LCG) and disembarked at Azzawya. They were transferred to Al Nasr Detention Centre (DC). UNHCR and the International Medical Corps (IMC) provided medical assistance to 45 individuals among the group, including a mother and her two week old baby. Meanwhile, the Libyan Red Crescent reported that 25 bodies were washed off the shores near Tripoli. So far, from January to May 2017, 6,243 people were rescued/intercepted at sea by the LCG, a decrease of 15% compared to the same period in 2016.

So far in 2017, UNHCR has registered 2,772 refugees in Libya, hence a total of 41,319 refugees and asylum seekers registered with UNCHR to date. The majority are Syrians (50%), Palestinians (16%) and Eritreans (11%). During the reporting period, UNHCR organized a training on child health and nutrition for young Sudanese, Syrian and Palestinian mothers. Participants also received food and NFIs assistance.

UNHCR organized a training on international refugee law and mixed migration for 24 participants, including UNHCR staff and partners as Cooperazione e Sviluppo Onlus (CESVI) and IMC. A health monitoring visit in June reported 150 cases of scabies at Triq al Sika detention center. UNHCR, IOM and partners contributed to the scabies treatment campaign at the detention facility. UNHCR provided 400 blankets and 800 sleeping mats to 320 detainees (of which 23 women); other partners provided anti-scabies fumigation and medication.

See the original post:
UNHCR Libya Operation Update 23 - 29 June 2017 - Reliefweb

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