What are the implications of postponing constitutional referendum in Libya? – 218 News

Episode 37 of Al-Ad Al-Aksi (The Countdown) Program shed light on the file of postponing the popular referendum on the constitution and its background, in addition to the return of the debate on the constitution after the postponement of the presidential elections, in light of the division of the political class between those calling for the imposition of the constitution on the referendum and those who reject this demand before holding presidential and parliamentary elections.

The two guests of the program were the members of the Constitution Drafting Assembly, Mustafa Dallaf and Mohammed Al-Agha.

Dallaf said that the referendum on the constitution is not possible today, in light of the existing threats that the Head of the Electoral Commission spoke about, noting that the Electoral Commission is an executive body, not a legislative one, and its report confirms the inability to hold a referendum.

He added that the 1951 constitution is one of the possible alternatives at the present time, and is the first constitutional base on which the country was founded.

Dallaf concluded by saying that the Head of the HNEC must meet with the commission before he forms any committee, and he should not choose them personally and temperamentally.

Al-Agha said that the constitution today is ink on paper, and whoever owns arms is the one who leads the country, stressing that any military force controlling one of the regions can stop the draft constitution.

Al-Agha added that external countries are the ones who decide the course of matters and control the course of the political scene, not Libyans.

Al-Agha stressed that the Communication Committee, which meets with the House of Representatives regarding the constitution, is a committee that has no legitimacy, and what it is doing is a coup against the work of the Constitution Drafting Assembly.

What are the implications of postponing constitutional referendum in Libya? - 218 News

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