WHO Libya: Health response to COVID-19 in Libya, update # 23 (Reporting period: 24 December 2020 to 31 January 2021) – Libya – ReliefWeb

In a recent meeting with WHO, the deputy Minister of Health informed the WHO Representative that all MOH warehouses were practically empty and the country was facing stockouts of critical vaccines and medicines including COVID-19 treatments, insulin, blood products, medicines to treat patients with HIV, TB and noncommunicable diseases, as well as surgical and trauma supplies. The situation is exacerbated by the disrupted supply chain (manufacturers who previously supplied Libya have not been paid and are refusing to fill new orders).

WHO is working with different MOH departments to prepare lists of critically needed medicines and supplies. Once the lists are ready, it will ask the Governor of the Central Bank of Libya to release immediate funds to replenish critical supplies. WHO will also work with the government to set up a strengthened supply chain that includes a reliable payment mechanism.

Libya has transferred USD 9.7 million to the COVAX Facility to secure 2.8 million doses of vaccine. This will be enough to vaccinate around 1.25 million people (two doses per person plus 10% in wastage).

The government is revising the national COVID-19 vaccination plan to add a component addressing vaccination of the approximately 570 000 migrants and refugees in Libya. Once the revised plan is ready,WHO will ask the Global Vaccine Alliance (GAVI) to consider making vaccines available for around 16 200 high-risk migrants and refugees under its Humanitarian Buffer fund. The government will pay the costs of administering these vaccines to migrants and refugees but will not cover the costs of the vaccines themselves.

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WHO Libya: Health response to COVID-19 in Libya, update # 23 (Reporting period: 24 December 2020 to 31 January 2021) - Libya - ReliefWeb

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