Women at the forefront of COVID-19 and conflict recovery in Libya – Libya – ReliefWeb

Tripoli As part of its efforts to empower women and work towards gender equality in Libya, and to mark International Womens Day, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with support from the Government of Japan has organized an interactive dialogue in Tripoli to celebrate the contribution of women towards the recovery from COVID-19 pandemic and the conflict in Libya.

Women representatives from civil society organizations, activists, politicians, peace mediators, and elected municipal councilors participated in the event that aimed at highlighting the key role that women played in Libya to address the pandemic and build peace as well as discuss COVID-19 gender implication and challenges to promote equality during the crisis.

Minister of Labor, Mr. Mahdi Al Amin, opened the event: "I am happy to be here to participate in this Women's Day. The active participation of women is evident during both the political and peacebuilding crisis, as well as COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Our Ministry supports the empowerment of women in political and business management supported by international partners such as UNDP. We thank them for their help.

On his part, UNDP Libya Resident Representative, Mr. Gerardo Noto, stated: Libyan women are making a difference in their communities daily. Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are central to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. At UNDP in Libya, we work to ensure that women are not left behind on the way to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. We support initiatives that accelerate structural transformations and work to ensure that all development efforts take into account the contributions of women, he concluded.

The dialogue has provided an opportunity to hear directly from Libyan women the risk and challenges that they went through during the pandemic, and where they see the opportunities and the solutions to tackle COVID-19. Listen to them, we could also identify what is needed to better value the role of women and foster womens participation in policy and decision-making for a better future, stated UNDP Libya Gender Advisor, Khadija Abdullah Elboaishi.

"This gathering is not only to celebrate Women's Day, but also an opportunity to highlight the role of women inside the country and their valuable work. It was also an opportunity to network with some institutions and activists, and it was a good forum for the exchange of opinions and dialogue between us, said Ms. Amal Barka, a participant in the forum from the Tawergha Women's Peace organization.

For more information, or media interviews please contact: hilaria.espin@undp.org

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Women at the forefront of COVID-19 and conflict recovery in Libya - Libya - ReliefWeb

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