Global cellular IoT connections to grow 90% to 6.5 bn by 2028: Juniper Research – ETTelecom

NEW DELHI: The global number of cellular Internet of Things (IoT) devices will rise 90%, from 3.4 billion in 2024 to 6.5 billion by 2028, according to the latest report released by Juniper Research on Monday. The study predicts the growth in connection will require the deployment of new services enabling the efficient automation of IoT device management and security.

As per the research firm, intelligent infrastructure management solutions, which enable IoT users to automate the configuration of devices, security processes and connectivity in real-time, is the key to handling the large increase in cellular data.

At present, the majority of machine learning models are trained via data sources that are stored in a single location, making opportunities for fraudulent players a simpler task.

Juniper Research said that telecom operators can transition to federated learning models, a subset of machine learning that leverages a decentralised data approach to minimise the chances of data fraud over IoT networks.

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Global cellular IoT connections to grow 90% to 6.5 bn by 2028: Juniper Research - ETTelecom

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