Be social media friendly

Be social media friendly

The upsurge in the number of social networks is not an excuse to throw caution to the wind. Here are ways to behave on social media:

Target a specific audience/network

Groups of people on a particular social media platform could come together to form a particular network. Target a particular network which would be beneficial to you and stick to it. Do not join a network you hope to gain nothing from. Messages and status updates should also be meant for the consumption of people in your network.

Avoid offensive content

Not all content are acceptable to everyone. While some people may derive pleasure in pornography and obscene pictures or vulgar languages, others might find them really offensive. Bear in mind that not only you and your ilk are on the said platform. If you have to post comments, let them be generally acceptable and devoid of offensive content.

Check frequency

You may control how frequent you post comments on your social media wall or profile, but if you are on a group network where you have to send broadcast messages, you have to check the frequency of such posts. For people who have activated notifications on the computers or phones, having the devices beep with each delivery of a message can be distracting. Only send messages when they are really important and cannot be postponed.

Check grammatical errors

Social media is meant for communication and this has to be effective. Not everyone loves to abbreviate words, so make sure you communicate in proper English to be better understood. Sentences should be well constructed and free of errors.

Be social media friendly

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