Con- Education in social media

Likes determining self esteem, comments defining worth and followers controlling an individuals status, is what has become of us as social media spreads like a contagious disease.

Social media has not only changed the way we communicate, but the way we interact, build and destroy relationships. Is social media a gift or a curse? Does social media control our lives to a certain extent? Are we taking social media too seriously and forgetting its specified use?

The educational system has slowly, but surely made the presence of social media known.

According to the University of Twente, the knowledge gap theory hypothesis states that knowledge and things can be learned through social media outlets.The knowledge gap proposes an increased gap between people of lower and higher socioeconomic status is the result.

The knowledge gap theory is said to somehow increase the gap between people with high education versus low.

So, is social media benefiting students or is it causing students to lose their ability to think on their own?

I think social media both helps and hinders a students education, but mostly hinders. Social media might just be one of the biggest distractions to fall in our laps.

In a USA today, students have confirmed that social media interferes with homework. The constant urge to comment, like and check updates is taking us away from important aspects of our lives.

Social media has even impacted our interpersonal interactions and communication skills. Were so used to that divide, barrier and wall, that social media has intentionally and unintentionally shaped many of us, so that we dont know how to properly communicate anymore.

It has even shortened our attention spans. Many forget what its like to tangibly hold a newspaper or a book. In an article in CBS, Washington DC a psychologist addresses how social media is causing a distancing cycle and what many call a phenomena to take place.

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Con- Education in social media

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