COVID-19 Response Continues: Exemption granted from Noise Control By-law for evening Hymns during Pandemic – City of Mississauga

Today, at a Special Meeting of Council, Members of Council passed a resolution to permit Hindu Temples located in Mississauga to broadcast religious hymns once per day at 7 p.m. for a maximum of five minutes between the period of August 11 and September 1, 2020. Council granted an exemption from the Noise Control By-law for evening Hymns during Pandemic.

The request from Hindu Forum Canada was reviewed and supported by the Citys Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee at a meeting on August 6,2020.

The exemption is provided for this year only due to the pandemic, until the newly drafted Noise By-Laws recently presented by staff can be vetted with the residents of Mississauga through public consultation meetings held by staff and the local Councillor in each Ward.

Broadcasting audible expressions of faith will be referred to Councils Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (DIAC) to allow for discussion, public engagement, and input into the noise by-law amendments.

Media Contact:

Catherine MonastSenior Advisor Media and Public InformationCity of Mississauga905-615-3200, ext. 5046catherine.monast@mississauga.caTTY:905-896-5151

COVID-19 Response Continues: Exemption granted from Noise Control By-law for evening Hymns during Pandemic - City of Mississauga

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