Dictatorship, 21st-century style – CNN

But that is so 20th century.

What happens now is much more gradual, but no less effective. Complacency is costly. Early moves demand a firm response.

Their stories offer an anthology of cautionary tales filled with useful information for people who want to save their states from a similar fate.

Before long, the democratically or pseudo-democratically elected leader is indistinguishable from a dictator. By the time most people realize what has happened, it's too late to push back. In fact, by then, the leader, in full control of a false narrative, may also be enormously popular. A government of, for, and by the people becomes all about protecting the rule of one individual or party, plus cronies.

That is, unless the people notice the warning signs early and act to prevent it.

The process in Venezuela has its own local traits but it closely resembles what we've seen in other countries where autocrats have emerged from a democratic cocoon, only to crush it.

Putin, like Erdogan and Chavez, benefited from massive improvements in economic conditions earlier in their rule. That helped cement a core of loyal followers.

In countries where democratic institutions have deeper roots, such as the United States, anyone seeking to undermine the system faces much higher obstacles. Besides, with such an anthology of available examples, an autocrat aiming to consolidate power has now lost the element of surprise.

The rest is here:
Dictatorship, 21st-century style - CNN

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