Forest fire in Barnaby still out of control, but crews making gains –

A forest fire in Barnaby, N.B. is still out of control Monday afternoon.

But, Kelly Cormier, aspokesperson for theDepartment of Natural Resources and Energy Development said the crews were making gains to contain it.

"The fire has been difficult to contain as the results of windy conditions yesterday causing numerous spot fires." she said.

Some residents in the community prepared for evacuation Sunday afternoon as air tankersand fire crews tried to bring a forest fire under control.

The community is about 40 kilometres south of Miramichi.

Gerrit Bosma said hisfamily was packed and prepared to evacuate if needed,but he hoped the fire would becontained with the help of air tankersfromForest Protection Limited.

"It's going away from us but I think they have it contained," Bosma said in a Facebook message.

Three homes in the area were threatened at one point, said Cormier.

By Sunday night no homes were in danger.

"Air tanker and ground attack was effective ineliminating that threat," Cormiersaid in an email.

But the fire is still out of control andsix air tankers areworking to keep it contained.

The fire isburning on the North and South Barnaby Roads. It covers 20 hectares.

The Miramichi Fire Departmenthad crews at the site helping crews from the Department of Natural Resources.

The province has been under a complete fire ban for a week.

TheUpper Kingsclear and Nashwaak Valley fire departments issued warnings on social media urging people to respect the ban. They warned of the possibility of a fine from the Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development if it is determined a wildfireis the resultof human carelessness.

"They will not be issuing warnings. Again, please be careful," theNashwaak Valley Fire Department post read.

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Forest fire in Barnaby still out of control, but crews making gains -

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