Former consumer watchdog Graeme Samuel favours relaxed media rules

Former competition tsar Graeme Samuel has backed the prospect of weakening Australia's media ownership laws, arguing existing rules are becoming ''quickly irrelevant'' as more content moves online.

The previous chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Mr Samuel said three parties traditionally led the push for more media regulation: politicians looking for favourable coverage, media companies seeking to protect their turf, and those who have not kept up with technology.

Mr Samuel said there was still too much focus on the method of distribution - free-to-air television, pay television, radio and print - and not enough emphasis on telecommunications networks and the control of content.

And he said Australians had plenty of media choice, from new local sites The Guardian Australia, the Daily Mail Australia and The New Daily, to international publications Bloomberg, the Financial Times and The Economist, as well as blogs.


''What this all says to me is the whole process has changed, and it takes the emphasis away from the importance of whether a person controls radio, television or print,'' Mr Samuel said.

The federal government is reviewing whether to scrap reach rules, thereby allowing metropolitan television broadcasters to buy regional broadcasters, and whether to allow one company to own more than two of a newspaper, TV and radio licence in the same market.

Labor and prominent MP Clive Palmer say they are awaiting more detail before giving their policies, whereas the Greens have said that changes could entrench existing traditional media companies at the expense of new voices.

After his regional colleagues expressed concern that local news content might be diminished by any changes, Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on Monday that ''local content is a separate issue to the question of ownership''.

Mr Samuel agreed. ''If there's demand for local news in a local region, people will deliver it. We need to think in terms of empowering consumers to demand what they want, and not putting it in the hands of the government.''

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Former consumer watchdog Graeme Samuel favours relaxed media rules

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