Google is updating the Chrome Global Media Control – MSPoweruser – MSPoweruser

Google and the Chromium developers are actively working on the Global Media Control in the Chrome browser, and have posted on the Chromium Gerrit on a number of improvements that are on the roadmap.

Google recently introduced a much-needed progress bar to the control, which can be seen below:

Now the Chromium developers are looking to make adjustments to the size of the album art on the GMC.

They note that the artwork was too big, and needed to be shrunken down to fit in the square, with plans to fill the rest of the square with a background. The plan is to use the favicon if no artwork is available or a blank square if there is none.

The developers are also looking to add a device selector dropdown to the controls.

Another welcome change is adding a volume control, which again would be very useful when using PiP mode.

Lastly, Google is looking to make some stylistic changes to the transport buttons.

Old vs New

The changes are currently in development and should show up in the Canary version of Chrome soon.

via Leo Varela

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Google is updating the Chrome Global Media Control - MSPoweruser - MSPoweruser

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