How to use the virgin tv control app | Virgin Media Help

If youve got a Virgin TV V6 box, you can use the app to watch selected recordings on your mobile or tablet around the home. You can even download them from the Virgin TV V6 box and watch them on the go.

Youll just need to be connected to your home network to stream or download your recordings. But once your recordings have been downloaded, you can play them anywhere. Say goodbye to boring train rides.

Note: You cannot download recordings from Virgin TV 360 boxes.

How you stream or download recording depends on what type of device you have.

To stream recordings on your Apple iOS device, simply do the following:

To download from recordings on your Apple iOS device:

The show will then be saved in the On Phone tab, ready for you to watch.

To stream recordings on your Android device, simply do the following:

To download from recordings to your Android device, simply do the following:

The download will show in the On Phone tab, where you can select it to watch.

You'll have 30 days from the download date to watch it. After you start watching a recording, you will usually have 48 hours before it expires. The expiry times can sometimes vary between content providers.

Usually, you can download a recording twice per household. However, this can vary based on the content provider.

More here:
How to use the virgin tv control app | Virgin Media Help

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