Making An Impact From A Young Age: How The Next Generation Stands Out – Shout Out UK

The next generation is slowly but surely beginning to make an impact on the world we are living in. They are proving to be intelligent, articulate, and passionate about their beliefs and future. Lets take a closer look at how this generation is standing out.

This generation is the first to grow up in an entirely digital world. They have always lived with the internet and many have even never lived without access to the internet in their home. Due to this, they are swiftly becoming much more comfortable with technology than their parents might ever be.

Coding is even taught in schools, and it might not be too long before we see the next big technological leap coming from young minds rather than industry experts. Investors and other interested parties are already on the hunt for leads like this. Tej Kohli, Sir Chris John, Steve Morgan and other prominent philanthropists want to help companies who are looking to better humanity overall. If they were to reach out to offer funding to a younger person with such an idea, it would give them the funding and platform needed to potentially work on a worldwide level.

Name a movement at the moment and you will find young people as the voices at the very heart of it. Be it gun control or climate change, it is the younger generations that are spearheading these important movements. It is incredibly easy to get involved in these movements yourself. Even joining in through social media can make a massive difference in the grand scheme of things, adding your voice to the others.

Just take a look at some of the young people who are already rising thanks to their activism. People like Malala Yousafzai and Xiuhtezcatl Roske-Martinez are already showing that young people have a much-deserved voice when it comes to standing up for what they believe in.

This generation has some of the most tolerant and accepting individuals amongst it. While there are those who subscribe to more conservative values, there are also many accepting and celebrating liberalism.

More and more young people are claiming to fall somewhere on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. The conversation about trans and non-binary rights is also alive, with many exploring their sexualities and gender identity in a way that has not really been done so far. With them pushing the boundaries and encouraging conversations in older generations, there are so many things that can be learned from how they view the world.

While the stereotype definitely exists that the younger generations are immature and dont know what they are talking about, this generation is most definitely changing that. They are unafraid to go after what they want, and their vision of a better world is one that can most definitely be achieved. There is a long way to go to get all the generations in a conversation that works, but the youngest among us are going to be the ones to do it. They are already standing out amongst the population and they will no doubt change the world as we know it.

Image by Oleksy @Ohurtsov from Pixabay

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Making An Impact From A Young Age: How The Next Generation Stands Out - Shout Out UK

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