" I have the greatest admiration for your propaganda. Propaganda in the West is carried out by experts who have had the best training in the world -- in the field of advertizing -- and have mastered the techniques with exceptional proficiency ... Yours are subtle and persuasive; ours are crude and obvious ... I think that the fundamental difference between our worlds, with respect to propaganda, is quite simple. You tend to believe yours ... and we tend to disbelieve ours. " a Soviet correspondent based five years in the U.S. Internet page "I think democracy fails under a variety of conditions and one of the conditions occurs when people don't have the ability to get the kind of information they need to make up their mind. Ideologically, I don't care much for FOX News. But the truth is that, as long as there are countervailing points of view available on the spectrum, it doesn't matter." Howard Dean Corporate Media & Threat to Democracy Media watch Propaganda page Public relations watch Global Secrets and Lies Books Amusing Ourselves to Death - Neil Postman Corporate Media & Threat to Democracy - McChesneyDecline and Fall of Public Broadcasting - David BarsamianInformation War - Nancy Snow Inventing Reality - Michael ParentiIt's the Media, Stupid - McChesney and NicholsManufacturing Consent - N Chomsky/E HermanMedia Control - Noam Chomsky Media Monopoly, The - Ben BagdikianNation Magazine, The - Selections 1865-1990Networks of Power-Corporate TV Threat to Democracy "The Gulf War ... was made popular by an immense propaganda barrage unleashed by the Pentagon, the media, and government, creating an ideological milieu in which 45 percent of the population said it would be prepared to use nuclear weapons against Iraq. Military actions were, transformed into a grotesque national spectacle, a great celebration of war-making." Carl Boggs On Bended Knee - Mark Hertsgaard Our Media Not Theirs - McChesney and NicholsPentagon Propaganda Machine, The - J. William Fulbright Project Censored-annual report on censored stories Propaganda, Inc. - Nancy Snow Rich Media, Poor Democracy - Robert McChesneyToxic Sludge Is Good For You - John Stauber & Sheldon RamptonTrust Us, We're Experts! - John Stauber & Sheldon Rampton Twenty Years of Censored NewsUnreliable Sources - Normon SolomonWar, Lies & Videotape Wizards of Media OZ - Normon Solomon " They just don't come in contact with people not in their [income] bracket. They've lost touch with their community." Stan Opotowsky of ABC News, about the journalistic elite - On Bended Knee, p81 Articles 15 Questions About the "Liberal Media" Deception and Public Opinion Polling Media Control - Noam Chomsky Media Censorship and a Free Press In America Corporate Media and the Threat to Democracy Methods of Media Manipulation - Michael Parenti Inventing Reality - Michael Parenti Beyond Hypocrisy - Edward Herman "The major media are large corporations, owned by and interlinked with even larger conglomerates. Like other corporations, they sell a product to a market. The market is advertisers - that is, other businesses. The product is audiences, [and] for the elite media, [they're] relatively privileged audiences. So we have major corporations selling fairly wealthy and privileged audiences to other businesses. Not surprisingly, the picture of the world presented reflects the narrow and biased interests and values of the sellers, the buyers and the product." Noam Chomsky (from Take the Rich Off Welfare) All The News Fit To Print -- the New York Times (Part 1) Recognizing Propaganda Is the Media a Danger to Democracy? - Robert ParryGlobal Media Giants: firms that dominate world - Edward S. HermanGlobal Media for Global Control - Robert W. McChesney Media Lapdogs "The press ... traditionally sides with authority and the establishment." Sam Donaldson, ABC correspondent - On Bended Knee, p77 Rich Media, Poor Democracy - article - McChesneyGlobal media, neoliberalism & imperialism - McChesney "The Press Has Blood on Its Hands" - in Guatemala Censorship by Execution - Mumia Abu-Jamal Censorship Within Democratic Societies "One of the intentions of corporate-controlled media is to instill in people a sense of disempowerment, of immobilization and paralysis. Its outcome is to turn you into good consumers. It is to keep people isolated, to feel that there is no possibility for social change." David Barsamian, journalist and publisher Book Busters - corporate consolidation in book publishing & selling The Cost of Survival - Public TV - less public, more corporateTake Back the Fourth EstateThey SpeakThe Politics of News Media " The cost of being presented as a " responsible and serious candidate" by the media [is] usually to show fundamental agreement with the existing distribution of wealth and power. " Michael Lerner, philosopher, psychologist, author Dung on All Their HousesMedia Juggernaut Rolls Into 21st CenturyReady, Aim, InformThe Media Big SixMedia Censorship & Free Press in America "In the United States, both the Republican and Democratic Parties, with only a few prominent exceptions, have been and are in the pay of the corporate media and communication giants." John Nichols and Robert McChesney Much Ado About LittleKennard, the Public & the FCC Global media giants lobbying for privatisation of airwavesThe Pentagon PapersFCC Moves To Enrich Media Cartel "The media serve the interests of state and corporate power, which are closely interlinked, framing their reporting and analysis in a manner supportive of established privilege and limiting debate and discussion accordingly." Noam Chomsky, American linguist and US media and foreign policy critic [New York] Times Unmasks Protesters (Quebec City)The Right To Be HeardPropaganda System Number OneThe Media Fall In LineRead all about it - Wall Street controls your local newspaperNetwork of Insiders "War is caused by elites acting in what they take to be their own interests, institutional violence promulgated by ruling groups for personal gain." The Nation magazine The Op-Ed Echo ChamberPatriotism & CensorshipFighting a Private WarThe Liberal Media Strike AgainWarring with the Coverage of WarLearning to Love Big Brother: George Bush Channels George OrwellCorporate Control of the Media - Rep. Bernie Sanders "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for enough good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke Project X, drugs and death squads Media & New World Order Consent American Style Global Media9 Global Media Giants What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream?- Chomsky " The most unpardonable sin in society is independence of thought." Emma Goldman, American anarchist and feminist, 1869-1940 Watchdogs and LapdogsA Tale of Two BroadcastersFree Radio vs the FedsFCC turns off radio pirates Post-Monica era, the Media, and the decline of democracyMaking Contact - the National Radio Project "The modern susceptibility to conformity and obedience to authority indicates that the truth endorsed by authority is likely to be accepted as such by a majority of people, who are innately obedient to authority. This obedience-truth will then become a consensus-truth accepted by many individuals unable to stand alone against the majority. In this way, the truth promulgated by the propaganda system - however irrational - stands a good chance of becoming the consensus, and may come to seem self-evident common sense." David Edwards, author of Burning All Illusions PBS and for-profit mediaShams and Triumphs - NY Times & international electionsPrivate Ryan Saves WarBrave New Media WorldKennard, the Public & the FCCJournalism and DemocracySlamming Shut Open AccessConnie Chung - on dissentNews You Can't Trust - public interest in broadcasting " We are willing to accept lies if they make our lives easier. " Producer from the TV series "People's Century", opining on why Americans tolerate unjust and inhumane U.S. government policies, at home and abroad Media Wars and the Rigors of Self-CensorshipThe War on TruthFear & Favor 2004 [in the newsroom] How power shapes the news (4/05)Media Assault on Latin America (5/06)Normalizing the Unthinkable - John Pilger, Robert Fisk, Charlie Glass, and Seymour Hersh on the failure of the world's press (6/06) "The media serve the interests of state and corporate power, which are closely interlinked, framing their reporting and analysis in a manner supportive of established privilege and limiting debate and discussion accordingly." Noam Chomsky, American linguist and US media and foreign policy critic Think Tank watch Think Tanks in AmericaConservative Philanthropies / Think Tanks and US PolicyThe Wealthy (Conservative) Think TanksThe Heritage Foundation SoarsHeritage on the Hill " Like blackbirds in flight, packs of reporters darken the sky, moving in swarms at the same speed and in predictable trajectory. When one lands, they all land. When one leaves, they all leave. The programmers and channel controllers from all the stations are part of the same well-paid elite, steeped in the same values, committed to the mission of maximizing audience share and profits. They are chosen for their ability to play the game and not challenge the audience with too many controversial ideas or critical perspectives. It's no surprise that they circulate easily within the commanding heights of media power, moving from company to company and job to job. A kind of group think corporate consensus, steeped in market logic and deeply inbred by an un-brave news culture, breeds conscience-free conformity and self-censorship. This makes frightening sense in a globalized economy where consumerism is more desired than active citizenship, where power is increasingly concentrated and the public is increasingly unwelcome in a public discourse defined by the powerful. If your goal is to numb people and drive them away from active participation, then TV as "weapon of mass distraction" and wall to wall entertainment makes sense. Shut up and shop is the now the message, one that makes sense to advertiser dominated media outlets... " Danny Schechter, Dung on all their Houses, Toward Freedom magazine, December / January 2000 Home Page


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