PM Modis words now mean nothing, his numbers do, and they are pretty bad – National Herald

On the economy, the numbers cannot be kept hidden. The rate of GDP growth has gone from 8 to 7 to 6 to 5 to 4 to 3 over the last 12 quarters or three years. Something sabotaged the economy just before January 2018 and today is not the time to go again into it. The fact is that without Covid and even before the lockdown, the Indian economy was wrecked. Hours after the Bihar election results were out, the Reserve Bank of India announced that in the second quarter, meaning July to September, Indias economy would again contract, and we were in recession.

The government did not acknowledge this or respond to it. Modi muttered some more things about development but his heart is not in it. Do you remember the last time he spoke about his world beating economy performance? It is because there is nothing to say. Bangladesh has overtaken Indias per capita GDP. What more can be added to that? As I am writing this, there is news that we have lost 11 more lives on the Line of Control. The medias response to this in India has been to claim that Pakistan has also lost 11 lives (which Pakstans media or government has not acknowledged).

See the article here:
PM Modis words now mean nothing, his numbers do, and they are pretty bad - National Herald

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