Portland police say theyll work to keep Proud Boys, counter-protesters apart during rallies Saturday – OregonLive

Portland police will work to keep the far-right group Proud Boys, planning an End Domestic Terrorism rally in Delta Park on Saturday, separate from counter-protesters holding a simultaneous demonstration in Peninsula Park, Portlands police chief and his deputy chief said Thursday.

Our primary goal is to keep these groups out of contact with one another, completely, Deputy Chief Chris Davis said. Thats really the safest way to get through this.

Police have cancelled officers' days off and plan to have a large uniformed officer presence while also working to regulate traffic. Police have the lawful authority to control traffic to maintain public safety, yet Davis acknowledged that blocking off large traffic arteries would require more resources.

The city of Portlands Parks and Recreation Bureau denied a permit to the Proud Boys to hold their gathering at the North Portland park, finding that its large crowd estimate violated the governors emergency restrictions barring groups of more than 50 people from gathering to avoid the spread of the coronavirus amid the pandemic.

Enrique Tarrio, international chair of the Proud Boys, said his group didnt expect to receive the permit but is continuing with its plans to demonstrate at Delta Park. Counter-protesters plan to rally more than three miles away at Peninsula Park at the same time.

Police are still making last-minute arrangements in an effort to bolster the law enforcement presence in the city Saturday. Oregons Gov. Kate Brown will hold a news conference Friday morning, and is expected to lend Oregon State Police support to Portland police crowd control efforts, despite the state agencys initial reservations.

So far, Oregon State Police, Multnomah County Sheriffs Office, Milwaukie and Lake Oswego police departments have agreed to provide some type of assistance, and the Police Bureau is looking for more help.

Our goal is to be able to keep folks apart, Lovell said, acknowledging that small factions of the larger groups may break off.

Were trying to posture ourselves so we can respond to those areas," the police chief said. "At the end of the day, we cant be everywhereMy hope is theyll stay in the areas theyre talking about.

While the chiefs said federal officers wont be involved in assisting police on Saturday, they acknowledged that a Portland police incident commander asked for their help Wednesday night when a Molotov cocktail, or improvised explosive, was thrown at officers, causing a fire in the street outside Central Precinct.

It got so violent out here, and Federal Protective Service called and asked if we needed their help, and our incident commander decided that we did, Davis said. We do not anticipate asking for their assistance on Saturday. That was more of an emergency need in the moment.

Portlands City Council had barred Portland police from communicating with federal officers on crowd control measures during protests, yet adopted a carve-out clause in mid-August that allowed Portland police to communicate and coordinate with state U.S. Marshals Service employees and locally assigned agents with the Federal Protective Service.

At the start of a Police Bureau press conference Thursday, the Bureau played a video that captured the throwing of an explosive device Wednesday night at officers outside Central Precinct, which immediately ignited a fire on Southwest Second Avenue and sent officers running away from the flames. One officers boot caught on fire, according to police and prosecutors.

This type of violence accomplishes nothing, does nothing to advance the goals of the community, Lovell said. "Its troubling to see that after 100 plus days this kind of violence is continuing in our city.

Three people were accused of either attempting to set a fire or causing damage to the downtown precinct Wednesday night.

Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt said he was thankful that no Portland police or firefighters were injured. There is no justification for a person to ever throw an incendiary device, to set fire to buildings or to engage in other violent and destructive behavior, Schmidt said in a statement.

We have already seen too much violence, harm and even death during past demonstrations. For those who are thinking about traveling to Oregon to engage in criminal conduct our message is clear: Stay away. For people who attend the events: Leave your weapons behind. Dont give someone who wants to promote violence a platform by engaging with them.

While police said their preference would be that participants from either group not carry guns on Saturday, the state has an open carry law that allows for the carrying of a concealed weapon with a permit.

Yet police will be working to enforce a city firearms regulation that makes it illegal to carry a loaded firearm if the person with the gun doesnt have an Oregon concealed handgun permit, the deputy chief said. Permits from outside the state arent sufficient, Davis said.

Multnomah County Sheriffs Office and the Oregon State Police earlier in the week expressed reluctance to send their officers to assist in crowd control Saturday, citing Portland Mayor Ted Wheelers Sept. 10 ban on Portland police use of tear gas to disperse crowds.

Proud Boys are planning a rally at noon at Delta Park. Counter protests are planning a demonstration at Peninsula Park at the same time.

Oregon State Police Supt. Travis Hampton wrote to Portland police on Tuesday that the agency, busy responding to wildfires in the state, had serious reservations about helping with crowd control since the city police agencys use of tear gas is barred.

The state police would offer uniform patrol coverage to aid Portland police in "interdicting the criminal element'' before they arrive at events and maintain a mobile response for anticipated flash points, Hampton wrote to the bureau earlier in the week. " We will also make available, if you request, specialized vehicles and armor to aid in officer rescue and the transport of personnel."

The governor is expected to announce additional state police assistance on Friday.

Multnomah County sheriffs will provide patrol support and help cover dispatched calls from East Precinct, to free up Portland police officers to do crowd control, according to Chris Liedle, a sheriffs spokesman. The sheriffs office also will provide a mobile booking team of several deputies and transport vehicles to help transport and book people if arrests are made, he said.

We remain fluid, and our plans are subject to change as we get a better idea of the expected number of people attending events, event locations and event activities," Liedle said.

Moments before Lovell began addressing the media, the Proud Boys released a statement Thursday. Tarrio suggested that Portlands mayor and City Council need a mental health evaluation for having stripped law enforcement of their authority to maintain law and order.

If domestic terrorist groups confront the peaceful protest, Proud Boys will defend themselves in a legal and lawful manner. Several participants will be solely dedicated to gathering as much footage of these anarchists and turning it over to law enforcement for their swift arrest, Tarrio said in the statement, noting that police have declined to provide resources for their gathering.

In the Proud Boys' permit application that was denied, the group said it planned to use a trailer as a stage, with an American flag as a backdrop at Delta Park.

Counter-protesters are planning a simultaneous gathering at a different park.

We always show up to counter hate groups, said Effie Baum, an organizer with Popular Mobilization, or PopMob. But we dont have to let them dictate the terms of that engagement. Portland Jobs with Justice, Rose City Antifa and the Portland Democratic Socialists of America are among the other left-wing groups participating in the Peninsula Park event.

PopMob has circulated a flyer on social media that says, Calling All Everyday Antifascists: Join Us At Bloom - No Proud Boys in the Rose City.

Also Saturday, a Black-led group called J.U.I.C.E. PDX, standing for Justice, Unity, Integrity, Community, Equality, is planning to gather at the Vanport Historical Marker at 11:30 a.m. Speakers will talk at noon and a car caravan is anticipated to follow at 1 p.m.

Officer Daryl Turner, president of the Portland Police Association, on Thursday continued to criticize the mayors ban on police use of CS gas, a type of tear gas, calling it the one essential tool thats been most effective for police in dispersing violent rioters when lives are in danger.

The bureaus use of tear gas has drawn multiple lawsuits against the city and a court-ordered preliminary injunction that had barred police from using tear gas except when lives or public safety are in danger. The mayors order on Sept. 10 banned its use as a crowd control tactic.

The men and women of the Portland Police Bureau will do everything in their power to keep the peace in our City. If any of our community members or officers are hurt or killed, we will hold our elected officials responsible," Turner said in a statement. "Reckless public policy has real consequences. Youve had your chance to lead. Youve failed to do so. I pray that our City is spared from further violence this weekend.

Cassie Miller, senior research analyst for the Southern Poverty Law Center, issued a statement in response to the Proud Boys' planned rally in Portland:

As alarming as the rally will be for the people of Portland, this is also an opportunity for local law enforcement agencies to look out for public safety. The police department must be proactive in managing the situation with adequate capacity to handle the crowds and prevent violence, particularly between Proud Boys and counter-protesters, Miller said.

-- Maxine Bernstein

Email at mbernstein@oregonian.com; 503-221-8212

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Portland police say theyll work to keep Proud Boys, counter-protesters apart during rallies Saturday - OregonLive

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