Prunes may be the secret weapon to prevent holiday weight gain – WGNO New Orleans

LIVERPOOL, United Kingdom ( Has Thanksgiving already sent your diet spiraling off a cliff? Youre probably not alone. With holiday weight gain a major issue for many, a new study has found the one snack that may keep your holiday appetite (and your waistline) in check prunes.

Researchers from the University of Liverpool discovered that eating more prunes helped a group of dieters control their appetite better, consume fewer calories, and even lose slightly more weight than people choosing others snacks during a 12-week test.

These studies demonstrate that dried fruit can both produce satiety and be incorporated into the diet during weight management, says Professor Jason C. G. Halford, President of the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO), in amedia release.

Researchers examined theimpact of eating prunesin two phases. The first compared the reactions of participants who either ate prunes, raisins, or jelly bean-like candies during the experiment. The team found that people eating prunes generally consumed the fewest number of calories during their next meal. The prune snackers also reported feeling less hungry throughout the day, feeling fuller after eating, and feeling as though they couldnt eat as much later on.

In the second part, study authors examined the amount of weight each person lost after completing a 12-week weight loss program. They split the volunteers into two groups, one eating prunes as their daily snack and one who only received guidance onhealthy snackingbut could choose whatever snack they wanted.

Although researchers say the weight loss difference between the two groups was not significant in terms of total pounds lost, results show the prune group participantslost slightly more weighton average (4.4 pounds vs. 3.4 pounds). People eating prunes also told the team they felt it was easier to lose the weight than those eating other snacks.

This study reveals that nutrient dense prunes can provide an advantage over othersnack choicesdue to their favorable effects on satiety and appetite control, adds Andrea N. Giancoli, MPH, RD Nutrition Advisor for the California Prune Board.

These are the first data to demonstrate both weight loss and no negative side effects when consuming prunes as part of a weight management diet, Halford concludes.

A recent poll found that Americansexpect to gain eight poundsduring the holiday season. Although prunes have a reputation of being a snack people only choose to relieve constipation, researchers say putting out a bowl at yournext holiday partymay cure you of festive overeating.

The findings appear in the journalNutrition Bulletin.

Originally posted here:
Prunes may be the secret weapon to prevent holiday weight gain - WGNO New Orleans

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