Reality Bites: I want to live in a free nation again – National Herald

I wasnt born when India won Independence. I was just one of those privileged Indians who took freedom for granted, and I expected to die in a free country too. I was, however, aware that there was an organisation made up of fat old sickos who worshipped the Nazis, wept into their hankies when the British were kicked out of India, spread rumours and lies like gossipy old aunties, and thought communal riots were a lovely way to pass the day.

My father had warned me about these ghouls when I was little. You see, these fat old sickos used to lurk around kiddy parks when Dad was a teenager in pre-independence India. Such a shame that British plods on duty didnt holler Hoy! and drag the fat old sickos to police stations on the grounds of evil intent.

My father was approached by a couple of fat old sickos when he was playing cricket one evening. They tried to recruit him to their bigoted cause, but he firmly turned them down. I am so proud that he could tell right from wrong when he was in his early teens, unlike so many old editor uncles & aunties, public intellectuals, and businessmen who brought these fat old sickos and their party, the BJP, into power in 2014 and kept them there.

Reality Bites: I want to live in a free nation again - National Herald

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