Sunday’s Lead Letter: America’s out-of-control news media – Florida Times-Union

Our news media is sadly evolving now into a monster.

When will the media see themselves in their own true light?

They have abused their freedom to such a point that it now simply borders on malicious forms of propaganda.

Our media outlets certainly understand their power. Their purpose is to impose their will.

Do not step out of line or this media will consume and destroy any merit to your thoughts, including your rights of privilege in the mandate that for us is everything American.

So just how does one tame this monster called the media?

Before we can answer that question, we must broach our own understanding of individual rights.

Our founders gave us freedoms in a way that was reasonable. They gave us our liberty based on the laws of nature and of natures God. To this, they also stated that both as American citizens of this great nation are equally entitled.

Our founders allowed us to choose our path, to decide the virtue of that which is right equally and what is wrong equally, and in the need at times to change it unequally, just as in nature.

To that end, nature can be a hard truth that is owned to no man, but only to natures God.

Abraham Lincoln spoke about those words held within our Declaration of Independence and said that when future generations read these words, they would realize that they have a right to claim it as though they were blood of the blood, and flesh of the flesh of the men who wrote that Declaration.

There is no equality in nature, only balance, and when this balance is undermined, nature will set a path to reclaim her balance.

To that end no man will persevere or prevail, this outcome belongs only to nature and to natures God alone.

Gerald Tisdell, Casselberry

Read more:
Sunday's Lead Letter: America's out-of-control news media - Florida Times-Union

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