The Truth About China and the Coronavirus – Daily Signal

Biological warfare is an established weapon of war. From the disease-based experimentation on humans mounted by Japans Unit 731 during World War II to the Soviet Unions development of natural diseases such asanthrax into weaponized pathogens in its illicit Biopreparat research facilities, this is not a topic reserved to Tom Clancy novels or Mission Impossible movies.

As a result, it is reasonable to ask whether COVID-19, which originated in China and has taken more than 167,350 lives globally to date, is a naturally occurring disease or a man-made (or modified) agent of attack.

This is an especially justified question given that the geographic locus for the new coronavirus that causes the disease is Wuhan, home to one of communist Chinasinstitutes for virological research.

>>> When can America reopen? The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission, a project of The Heritage Foundation, is gathering Americas top thinkers together to figure that out.Learn more here.

Recent media reports indicate that the virus that causes the disease COVID-19 indeed may have been accidentally leaked. Indeed, much analysis points to the possibility of a connection between the Chinese governmentswork on corona-type viruses and the novel coronavirus that has killed so many across the globe.

It is crucial for all Americansto understand the depths and extent of what Secretary of State Mike Pompeo hascalled Beijings coronavirus disinformation campaign.

To that end, here is the chronology of exactly what happened when, and how the communist regime in Beijing lied about it. (I am grateful to Pompeos team, especially the Bureau of Global Public Affairs, for compiling the original COVID-19 cover-up chronology.)

Nov. 17:The first case of someonein China suffering fromCOVID-19 is reported, according to government dataseen by theSouth China Morning Post.

Dec. 10:WeiGuixian, a seafoodmerchant in WuhansHuananmarket, began to feel sick. She will be discharged from the hospital in January, having survived thecoronavirus.

Dec. 27:ZhangJixian, a doctorfrom Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Chinese and WesternMedicine,tellsChinas health authorities that a new disease affecting some 180 patients was caused by a newcoronavirus.

Dec. 26-30:Evidence of a new virus emergesfrom Wuhan patient data sent tomultipleChinese genomics companies.

Dec.31:Chinese officials alert theWorld Health Organizations China Country Office of several cases of pneumonia of unknown cause detected in Wuhan.

Jan. 9: The World Health Organization releases a statement on the cluster of pneumonia cases inWuhan.

Jan.11: Having provided the genomic sequence of the virus to national authorities Jan. 5 and seeing no action from them,professor ZhangYongzhenof theShanghai Public Health ClinicalCentrepublishesthe data onvirological.organd GenBank, allowing teams around the world to begin work on testing methods.

Jan. 14:The WHO announces for the first time that there may have been limitedhuman-to-human transmission of thevirus.

Jan. 18:Wuhan authorities go ahead with apotluck banquet for 40,000 families in an attempt to break a world record.

Jan. 20:Dr. Zhong Nanshan, a leading authority on respiratory health who was well known for his role in fighting SARS, confirmsin a TV interview that the diseaseisspreadingfrom person to person, a fact first identified by doctors in Wuhan in December. Zhong later will say that if the government had takenaction earlier, in December or even early January, the number of sick would have been greatly reduced.Wuhan Mayor ZhouXianwangsays that rules imposed by the central government in Beijing limit what he could disclose about the threat posed by the Wuhan virus.

Jan. 23: Chinese authorities lock downWuhan after allowing 5 million people to leave the city without screening amid the growing outbreak.

Feb. 7:Dr. Li Wenliangdies of COVID-19 after contracting it from a patient, five weeks after police detained him for trying to alert fellow doctors to the outbreak. His death triggers an outpouring of grief and anger at Chinese authorities.


Those are the crucial facts ofwhat happened in China last year and at the beginning of this year.

Another, just as important chronology exists, though: the timeline of how China hid the truth, destroyed crucial biological and genetic evidence, and intimidated those who tried to tell the truth about the Wuhan virus.

Dec. 26-30: The health commission in Chinas Hubei province orders a genomics company to stop testing and to destroy all samples of the new coronavirus.

Dec.31: Chinese internet authorities begincensoring terms from social media, including Wuhan unknown pneumonia, SARS variation, Wuhanseafood market, and related keywords and phrases critical of thegovernments handling of the infection.

Jan. 1:Authorities bring in for questioning eight doctors in Wuhan who had warned about the new virus via social mediain late December, including Li. They condemn the doctors for making false statements on the internet. Authorities also force Lito write a classic Maoist self-criticism denouncing his own prior statements.

Wuhan authorities close the citys seafood market, then disinfect it without swabbing individual animals and cagesfor samples ordrawing blood frominfected workers,eliminatingevidence of whichanimal might have been the source of the coronavirus and who had been infected but survived.

Jan.3: Chinastop healthauthority, theNational Health Commission,follows Hubeis health commissionby issuinga gag order directing that Wuhan pneumonia samples be moved todesignated state testing facilities or destroyed. The National HealthCommission also orders institutions not to publish any information related tothe unknown disease.

Jan. 10:Prominent Chinese governmentexpert WangGuangfatells state broadcaster China Central Televisionthat the Wuhan pneumonia was under control and mostly a mild condition.

Jan. 12: Authorities close Zhangslab in Shanghaifor rectificationone day after sharing genomic sequence data with the world for the first time.

Jan. 14:Plainclothes policedetain journalistswho are trying to report from WuhansJinyintanHospital, andforce them to erasetheirvideo footage and hand in their cellphones and cameras.

Jan. 15:LiQun, head of the emergency center at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, plays down the threat of human-to-human transmission on state television: After careful screening and prudent judgment, we have reached the latest understanding that the risk of human-to-human transmission is low.

Feb. 6: Chinas internet watchdog tightens controls on social media platformsfollowing Chinese President Xi Jinpings directive to strengthen online media control to maintain social stability.

Citizenjournalist and former human rights lawyer ChenQiushidisappears in Wuhan after posting mobile-phone videos of packedhospitals and distraught families.

Feb. 9:Citizen journalist andlocal businessman Fang Bin disappears after posting videos from Wuhan that circulated widelyon Chinese social media.

Feb. 15:Authorities arrest lawyer and civil rights activist XuZhiyong, who has been on the run fornearly two months, after he publishes a Feb. 4 essay calling on Xi to step down for suppressing information about the Wuhan virus.

Feb. 16: Authorities place Tsinghua University professor XuZhangrununder house arrest, bar him from social media, and cut him off from the internet after he publishes an essay declaring: The coronavirus epidemic has revealed the rotten core of Chinese governance.

Feb. 19: Beijing revokes the press credentials of threeWall Street Journalreporters who had covered the coronavirusoutbreak, including one who was reporting from Wuhan.

March 14:Real estate entrepreneur and activist RenZhiqiangdisappears in Beijing after criticizing Xis coronavirus response.


At the same time that the Chinese Communist Party and its security organs were suppressing the truth domestically and arresting those who knew the truth about the new coronavirus, its diplomats and bureaucrats initiated a global disinformation campaign.

Their most egregious lie was that COVID-19 originated in America and was brought to China by U.S. military personnel.

China hasnt just lied about thevirus that originated in Wuhan and may have escaped from its own virology lab.The communist regime also is using this global pandemic as a weapon ofdisinformation against the United States.

President Donald Trump is on the cusp of making the decision to reopen America. He has established a task force on restarting the economy, and key nongovernmental organizations, such as The Heritage Foundation, are submitting recommendations as to how we can revitalize and resurrect an economy that was the end of the world prior to our self-enforced lockdown.

The question now is will thedeaths of tens of thousands of Americans, in large part as a result of themendacity of communist China, be our new Sputnik Moment?

We have one strategic-level adversary in the world today.That adversary is China, and it has a plan to displace America and become, at the very least, a regional hegemon. China is using the coronavirus, man-made or not, as a tool in that plan.

We will come through this national emergency. But will we draw the right conclusions?

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