The We-Hate-Putin Group Think

Exclusive: The only foreign policy show on the U.S. media dial this past week has been the bashing of Russian President Putin over the Ukraine crisis with a slap or two at President Obama for having worked with Putin on Syria and Iran. Lost in this group think is the why behind this demonization,reports Robert Parry.

By Robert Parry

The U.S. political-media elites, which twisted themselvesintoa dangerous group think overtheIraq War last decade, have spunout of control again in a wildoverreaction tothe Ukraine crisis.Across the ideological spectrum, there is rave support for the coup that overthrew Ukraines elected president and endless ranting against Russian President Vladimir Putin for refusing to accept the new coup leadership in Kiev and intervening to protect Russian interests in Crimea.

The we-hate-Putin hysteria has now reach the point that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hasdeployed the Hitler analogy against Putin, comparing Putins interests in protecting ethnic Russians in Ukraine with Hitler citing ethnic Germans in Eastern Europe to justify aggression at the start of World War II.

Russian President Vladimir Putin. (Russian government photo)

I just want people to have a little historic perspective, the reputed 2016 Democratic presidential frontrunner told a question-and-answer session at UCLA on Wednesday, confirming reports of her using the Hitler analogy during an earlier private fundraiser.

Some Clinton backers suggested she made the provocative comparison to give herself protection from expected right-wing attacks on her for having participated in thereset of U.S. policy toward Russia in 2009. She also was putting space between herself and President Barack Obamas quiet effort to cooperate with Putin to resolve crises with Iran and Syria.

But what is shocking about Clintons Hitler analogy and why it should give Democrats pause as they rush to coronate her as their presidential nominee in 2016 is that it suggests that she has joined the neoconservative camp, again. Since her days as a U.S. senator from New York and as a supporter of the Iraq War Clinton has often sided with the neocons and shes doing so again in demonizing Putin.

Democrats might want to contemplate how a President Hillary Clinton would handle that proverbial 3 a.m. phone call, perhaps one with conflicting information about a chemical weapons attack in Syria or muddled suspicions thatIran is moving toward a nuclear bomb or reports that Russia is using its military to resist a right-wing coup in neighboring Ukraine.

Would she unthinkingly adopt the hawkish neocon position as she often did as U.S. senator andasSecretary of State? Would she wait for the fog of war to lift or simply plunge ahead withflame-throwingrhetoric that could make a delicate situation worse?

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