Commentary: Migrant crisis at border was years in the making – San Antonio Express-News

The recent immigration surge at the Texas border is manufactured by decades of America intervening to prop up right-wing, South American dictators. This faux crisis is the new threat used by Republicans to deflect attention from the forthcoming trials of those involved in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol.

In Texas, the immigration crisis serves as a counter-narrative to the winter 2021 debacle under Gov. Greg Abbotts watch and the looming battle to rein in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas.

U.S. foreign policies have drained Latin American countries of their natural resources such as coffee, sugar, bananas, oil and cotton products while destabilizing their economies and making them interdependent, author Roberto Saviano wrote in The Migrant Caravan: Made in USA, published in 2019. When South American farmers shifted to harvesting cocoa leaves for cocaine and marijuana for consumption in America, the U.S. drug war went into full bloom.

Another example of U.S. exploitation is the infamous Iran-Contra affair in the late 1980s involving Ronald Reagans fall guy, Oliver North. Documents declassified from the National Security Archive cite North as informing Robert Owen, a liaison for the State Department, on Aug. 8, 1985, that a DC-6 which is being used for runs (to supply the Contras) out of New Orleans is probably being used for drug runs into the U.S.

Our countrys history on immigration is a complex battle of ideology: One side is inextricably bound by bigotry; the other is tied to the spirit of generosity and renewal of America shaped by people who come here.

Immigrants take the low-paying, backbreaking jobs many Americans refuse to do. The Immigration Charade, written by Christopher Jencks in 2007, states that employers say that foreign-born workers tend to work harder, be more reliable, and complain less than the natives they can hire at the same wage. Unskilled immigrants have seldom finished secondary school, but they have overcome all kinds of obstacles both to get here and to stay here.

Of course, many of these immigrants would prefer to live in their own countries but hurricanes, climate-change crop failures and failed U.S. foreign policies have disrupted their economies. These are the political consequences of empire-building and massive immigration that Juan Gonzalez explains in Harvest of Empire.

About half of undocumented U.S. workers pay income tax. They help fund public schools and local government services by paying sales and property taxes like any resident. They contributed about $10.6 billion in state and local taxes in 2010, according to research from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy.

But what about undocumented migrants who use fake Social Security cards? The Social Security system has become reliant on their contributions as baby boomers retire.

Stephen Goss, the chief actuary of the Social Security Administration, estimated that in 2010 about 1.8 million immigrants worked with fake or stolen Social Security cards but expects that number to reach 3.4 million by 2040. According to his calculations, undocumented immigrants paid $13 billion into the retirement trust fund that year, and only got $1 billion in benefits. Thats a nice tidy sum for baby boomers.

Former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party turbocharged the nastiest rhetoric about immigrants since Woodrow Wilson and calculatingly stoked xenophobic fears through Ann Coulters Adios America! turning its racist theories of immigrant invasion and infestation into existential threats aimed toward an implicitly evangelical conservative America.

Are the words In God We Trust only for show and exchange of capital?

Rafael Castillo is a writer and member of PEN America, the National Book Critics Circle and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists.

Commentary: Migrant crisis at border was years in the making - San Antonio Express-News

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