European migrant crisis – Conservapedia

See also: War on Sovereignty and Euroskepticism

The European migrant crisis is a globalist-caused[1] immigration disaster that has greatly effected Europe starting in 2015. The Libyan War and Syrian War, the legacies of President Barack Hussein Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's failed "Arab Spring" foreign policy[2] which according to their own public pronouncements was supposed to overthrow corrupt secular dictators and establish democracies by arming and assisting anti-democratic Islamists[3] resulted in attacks on homosexuals and women, mass beheadings, wholesale slaughter,[4] and a tsunami in excess of 6 million homeless migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and jihadis invading Europe.[5]

Marine Le Pen, an immigration reform advocate, was first runner-up in the April 2017 elections in France. The disastrous "open borders" policy of German incumbent Angela Merkel earned her the title, 'Mother Terroresia', among critics and voters in Germany's upcoming September elections. Many of 'Merkel's Muslims' wanted for crimes in Germany have fled to neighboring countries.

Without consulting voters, the globalists of the European Union have encouraged unrestricted mass migration into Europe from war-torn and impoverished Islamic Republics. A "replacement population," according to liberals, will sustain the welfare state without cutting government spending in the face of declining fertility rates among the native populations. Rape has become prevalent, and Europe's social democratic government's concern for the safety of women and children has been lacking. The Swedish government has not made crime statistics available to the public since 2014 when it was reported that murders committed by foreign immigrants occurred at a rate 400% greater than native Swedes and rapes committed by foreign migrants 550% greater. Additionally, reductions in carbon emissions and efforts to combat global warming have been used by leftists to justify Third World immigration. Globalists have used the migration crisis to help wipe out Europe's Christian roots.[6]

Many Muslim migrants have been unwilling to adapt to European culture and customs and have thus created much social upheaval as they demand that society change to accommodate them. For example, the wearing of the hijab to prevent rape, or women leaving their homes and going out in public unescorted by a male.[7][8][9][10] Some refugees have committed major acts of terror with now over 400 dead in mass killings. The vast majority of terrorists in European countries have immigrated from the same Islamic Republics on President Trump's travel ban list.

An organized clampdown in reporting is even worse than what has been experienced in the United States. European police reports and public statements of politicians often deny what many Europeans experience in everyday life.[11][12][13][14] Hate speech legislation has been used, and political correctness to censor and intimidate critics, even when material facts about Islamic lawlessness are apparent. Liberal elitist rulers have turned a blind eye to the problem and have proposed even more extreme unification policies.[15] These issues are of concern to Americans as to what may constitute the future demographic makeup of European NATO troops in less than a generation, and where their loyalties and priorities lay in regards to NATO's stated mission, as well as the combat skills and training given to NATO troops.

In the hope and optimism at the close of the Cold War, which some naively labeled "the end of history", former Carter administration adviser Samuel P. Huntington wrote in his book, Clash of Civilizations, that wars in the coming millennium would not be fought between ideologies like capitalism and communism, but between civilizations, and that Islamic terrorism would be the biggest threat to Western civilization. Huntington wrote,

When the 9/11 attacks first occurred, Huntington was hailed as a prophet by some. But the US State Department was quick to tamp down the phrase mindful of the futility of winning a "clash of civilizations" against one-quarter of the planet. The Bush administration spent the next eight years isolating Islamic extremism, defined as a minority of Muslim males, 12 to 28 years old, susceptible to radicalization and recruitment to perform suicide attacks.

When Barack Hussein Obama became president he spent the next eight years denying Islamic extremism existed.

Meanwhile, Ayman Zawahiri, the leader of al Qaeda, gave an interview in 2005 to Der Spiegel magazine outlining the global jihad:[16]

With the misfortunes facing ISIS in the face of a Putin-Trump agreement to put a stop to the butchery and lawlessness President Obama allowed to flower, al Qaeda once again is on the rise.

In late-August 2017, the EU counter-terrorism co-ordinator, Gilles de Kerchove, stated that over 50,000 radicalized Muslims lived in Europe, with up to half of them living in the United Kingdom.[18]

The EU's unified border patrol (FRONTEX) has been overwhelmed by the number of people attempting to enter. Border violence at entry points is increasing. To prevent organized 'push backs', FRONTEX picks up African boat refugees and brings them to Europe for processing. Even when an illegal migrant is caught and denied entry, the migrant typically will return and continue attempting illegal entry until they are successful. In 2016 the border guards caught 1.8 million attempts at illegal entry, six times more than the previous high in 2014.[28]

After Gaddafi's fall, the jihadis she armed and assisted migrated from Libya to Syria and helped found the Islamic State. [31][32] At least 6.7 million refugees and migrants, predominantly male from all over the Islamic world have since invaded Europe,[33][34][35] coming through Libya and Syria.[36] The sexual assault of women, children, and girls is now commonplace.[37] In several countries police have refused descriptions of attackers because of hate crime legislation.[38] Leftists globally seem unconcerned about the lawlessness.[39]

There have been primarily four entry points heavily used by migrants, although other peripheral points exist: (1) Morocco via Spain; (2) post-Gaddafi Libya to Italy and neighboring Mediterranean shores; (3) Western Balkan route through Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, and Hungary; (4) Eastern Mediterranean through Turkey. Handbooks printed in Arabic and funded by a Soros-affiliated group have been found to help migrants shop for the best social welfare state offering the most benefits for them and their families.[40][41]

The American Interest website declares:

Traffickers use small boats to reduce the chances of being picked up by patrol boats radars; migrants are often dropped off on stretches of inaccessible coastline, or left to drift ashore. In the case of illegal land crossings, small trucks are used to penetrate the most porous parts of eastern or southern Europes borders. Penalties for this are low or non-existent all around Europe, and traffickers are rarely caught anyway. Smuggling people across Europe has become easier and more profitable than any other criminal activity, including drug smuggling.[42]

The organization Defend Europe, which is described as a "far-right group with a history of violent direct action" chartered a 422-ton ship in the Mediterranean in order to "confront" illegal immigrants sailing to Europe.[43] Unsurprisingly, Northern Africans, on the behest of George Soros-funded organizations, blocked them from docking on their shores.[44][45]

The three main points of entry into Europe by migrants are Spain, Italy, and Greece, and it was reported in 2017 that the number of migrants coming in was increasing.[46] In 2017, the EU accepted 538,000 refugees, with Germany accepting 60% of them.[47] It was reported in early 2018 that the number of migrants coming to Italy from Libya was quickly increasing.[48] In the first 122 days of 2018, over 20,000 migrants crossed the Mediterranean Sea to enter Europe,[49] and it passed 70,000 by September.[50] In one incident in June 2018, several migrants tried to illegally enter the EU from Russia using World Cup fan IDs.[51] In 2018, the number of migrants flying directly to Europe to file asylum claims surged even as the overall number of filed claims that year slightly fell.[52] In 2019, migration numbers had fallen compared to 2015 but were still significantly higher than previous years.[53]

In May 2018, the European Court of Auditors estimated that 18% of all legal residents in Europe over 90 million people were first or second generation migrants.[54]

In March 2019, about 100 migrants rescued off the coast of Libya hijacked the ship that rescued them and tried to force themselves into a European country.[55]

The Schengen Area has its roots in the Schengen Agreement, signed in 1985 in the town of Schengen in Luxembourg.[56] The agreement took effect in 1995.[56] 22 of the 28 EU members are party to the agreement. The Area is not synonymous with the EU: some EU members are not part of the agreement and some non-EU members are part of the agreement.[56] The agreement removes all internal borders in the member states, so someone can travel across its member states with no passport or border security.[56] The Schengen Area is basically one country in this sense, even though its member states are nominally independent.[57]

During the refugee crisis in 2015 and 2016, Austria, Denmark, Germany, Norway, and Poland re-established some border controls.[58][59] In early 2017, Belgium, France, and the Netherlands, agreed to reinstate passenger lists and passport checks on trains travelling between the respective countries.[60] In May 2019, Denmark proposed making its border controls permanent.[61]

In 2013 Eurostat forecasted that without migrants, Europe's population would decline 100 million by 2080. In roughly 65 years, Eurostat claimed that twenty percent of Europe's population would disappear. By 2080, in Germany, 80 million people today would become 50 million. In Spain, 46.4 million people would become 30 million. In Italy, 60 million would decline to 39 million. Without consulting the voters, European liberal elites and leaders figured a new population of taxpayers could help save their healthcare and retirement systems, so they flung open the borders. The EU took the risk of transforming more or less homogenous nation-states into multicultural societies. No thought or expectation, however, was given by the liberal leaders to integrating newcomers into the host society culture. If the migrants wished to hold onto their Islamic identity, rejecting the sovereign laws of the state and swearing by Allah, and raising their children to do the same, that was fine with them. And a Muslim cannot reject his Islamic identity without fear of death at the hands of other Muslims.

A Muslim is barred by his system of governance from taking an oath of citizenship to a state. Albeit, a Muslim can deceive a non-Muslim in an important matter or issue involving life and death (such as renouncing Islam) without sinning. Islam claims that Allah alone is sovereign, and he does not share power with Jesus or any government of man other than Islam. It would be fallacious to describe Islam as a "race" or a "religion", as it is a political system of social governance with exclusively male judges to execute rulings on civil and criminal matters, based on law and precedent. There really are no gray areas over how adherents of Islam fit into the sphere of identity politics, easily discernible to all, other than the willful ignorance of liberalism.

In many irreligious European countries, there is a sub-replacement level of births which is expected to cause challenges to their pension systems and labor supplies (see: Atheism and fertility rates). As irreligious populations rise in age, the fertility rates of these countries could drop further. The Rand Corporation indicates, "Nearly all European nations are experiencing long-term downtrends in fertility, and consequently, aging of their populations. These demographic trends could have potentially damaging consequences for European economies."[62]

Germany currently has one of the lowest birthrates in the world. The German government has been addressing the problem by taxing ethnic Germans so heavily they cannot afford to have children and importing millions of Muslim males from abroad.

In November 2017, the Pew Research Center found that if current migration trends continue, Europe's Islamic population would grow from 4.9% of the population in 2016 to 14% by 2050, with levels up to 30% in Sweden.[63] Europe received so much Islamic immigration by 2017 that Pew found that if all immigration to Europe was completely stopped, the Islamic population would still rise to 7.4% by 2050.[63] According to a 2018 study by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, almost all of Western Europe's population growth between 1990 and 2017 was because of mass migration.[64] Europe's population grew by over one million people in 2017 because of immigration, despite the fact that deaths outnumbered births that year.[65]

The EU has not used immigration solely to promote Islam and "multiculturalism". In June 2018, the European Court of Justice ruled that every EU member-nation must recognize homosexual "marriages" of immigrants who were "married" in another country, even if they migrated to a country that does not recognize same-sex "marriage".[66] In August 2018, a Syrian migrant who stabbed a woman claimed in his defense that it is socially acceptable in his culture to do such a thing.[67] Globalists have supported mass migration mainly for ostensibly economic reasons or for anti-nationalist reasons.[68]

Because the Islamic criminal justice system traditionally uses slavery, dismemberment, and beheadings to enforce its laws or act as a deterrent, and with the further foundational precept that adherents of Islam do not pay taxes to support prisons or a criminal justice system, the European system of incarceration is proving more than inadequate to deal with violent and criminal acts performed by Muslims.

The prisons have become schools of more concentrated advanced learning in the doctrines of Islamic governance, where non-Muslims by intimidation are forced to convert to Islam to survive.[69][70][71] Even prison officials, staff, and guards have not been immune to the threats, coercive activity, or political correctness.[72]

When a Muslim is released from custody, it is interpreted by the ex-prisoner as an admission of guilt by the state for the injustice of holding them under man-made law, and an exoneration of the crimes they were accused of. If they were truly guilty of the crimes they were accused of, they would have been beheaded or whatever shariah and the hadith proscribe. In being released from detention, it is claimed that Allah has delivered them from the hands of the "infidels".

Mass immigration to Europe from the Middle East has brought an increased threat and the greater occurrence of terrorism. Yet, European leaders deny the threat of Islamic terrorism, and terrorist attacks have shown how poorly prepared and secured their countries and facilities are.[73] When attacks occur, the leaders often state that they "are a part of daily life", and they refuse to admit that the motive of the terrorists is Islamic radicalism.[73] The mainstream media also has denied the existence of no-go zones in Europe,[74] and it has failed to call jihadist violence what it is when it occurs.[75] This is likely due to political correctness and the blindness that comes with liberalism and support for a one-world government.

Even after letting over a million migrants into Germany alone in 2015, German Chancellor Angela Merkel endorsed a UN plan to let 40,000 more asylum seekers into the EU.[76]

Other supranational organizations have engaged in this denialism. The United Nations Refugee Agency has criticized the EU (despite the fact that it had already let large numbers of refugees in) for somehow not taking in enough.[77] In addition, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muiznieks criticized Sweden for not admitting enough migrants despite the fact that took in a greater proportion of migrants per capita than any other European country.[78] In 2018, the Council of Europe recommended that Sweden ban conservative parties opposed to mass migration due to allegedly being "racist and sexist" and "exclud[ing] minorities."[79] In September 2018, Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner in charge of refugee matters, downplayed the seriousness of the migrant crisis and labeled migration in general as "a source of progress and prosperity."[80]

In November 2017, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker stated that Europe has a "clear need" for African migrants and that Europe should do everything in its power to allow them to come.[81] In April 2018, French President Emmanuel Macron stated that mass migration was "not linked" to the high crime rates for migrants in Europe and that Europeans actually were to blame for them.[82] In April 2018, the UK Conservative Party suspended one of its candidates for criticizing Islam.[83] When the media leaked comments the French ambassador to Hungary, Eric Fournier, made defending Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbn's conservative immigration policies, Macron sharply rebuked him[84] and fired him shortly afterward.[85] Irish prime minister Leo Varadkar claimed in 2018 that the real crisis Europe faced was the rise of right-wing populism rather than mass migration, stating that "Europe needs migration."[86] Other politicians pretended that right-wing populism was Europe's greatest threat, pointing to right-wing rock concerts in certain countries, even though violence caused by right-wing extremists fell 70% in Germany, which saw large populist victories that year.[87] Even Horst Seehofer has attacked the conservative Alternative for Germany party which has the same views on migration that he claims to have as "highly dangerous."[88]

In 2018, the EU created proposals to divert funding from conservative Eastern European countries due to their different values and refusal to accept migrants into their borders.[89] They made the proposal official in May 2018, and while they raised funding for Southern European countries for taking in so many migrants, they attached the enactment of the funding to the countries' acceptance of the EU's preferred economic policies.[90] In January 2019, the European Parliament voted in favor of this proposal.[91] Macron and Merkel called for "full force" European integration that would "yield nothing" to the conservative Eastern European countries.[92] Europhiles also called for a Eurozone budget to further reduce national sovereignty and destroy populist political parties.[93] France and Germany made a similar and inflexible proposal in December 2018.[94]

Even when it appeared that the European establishment was attempting to solve the migrant crisis, their efforts were deceptive. For example, in 2018, Angela Merkel called for external EU border controls and a border agency to protect those borders, but in this plan, all the power would be put into the hands of the European Union and taken away from the individual nation-states.[95]

In 2018, Facebook permanently banned Generation Identity, an identitarian movement that seeks to uphold Europe's traditional culture, from its website due to "extremist content."[96] This came after Facebook censored the conservative news organization Voice of Europe simply for reporting on conservative opposition to immigration and Islam in Europe, political points of view Facebook deems "offensive."[97] Other European conservatives and right-wing populists are frequently labeled as "far-right" or "ultra-right" in order to create a false connotation with fascism and Nazism, despite the fact that they espouse views that were mainstream in society only a few years prior.[98][99]

Prominent American globalists such as Hillary Clinton and John Kerry have warned their European allies that they are trying to enact the globalist agenda, through mass migration, too quickly to succeed.[100]

Despite the denialism by many liberals, many European leaders either took strong conservative positions on immigration in response to the crisis, or, realizing that their open borders policies would hurt their political careers, made somewhat of an effort to limit the inflow of immigration. The mainstream media noted that views on issues such as immigration, that had once been considered "far-right", had become mainstream, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe.[101] Even the EU, despite continuing to support globalist immigration and sovereignty policies, took conservative concerns on immigration a bit more seriously and adopted some tougher policies,[102] as seen in an EU-wide migration agreement in June 2018.[103]

Countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary took strong positions against illegal immigration and for national sovereignty under their conservative leadership.[104] Other countries, such as France, Germany, Austria, and Italy, seeing the rise of anti-establishment right-wing parties, took more conservative immigration positions (though not anywhere near as conservative as countries like Hungary) to counteract those parties.[104][105] Some European countries actually saw actual Euroskeptic and right-wing populist parties enter their respective government.[106] By 2018, several countries had banned the wearing of Islamic face veils.[107]

According to a survey conducted in February by the Szzadvg Foundation's Project 28, 78% of Europeans supported better protecting the EU's external borders.[108] An April 2018 YouGov poll found that residents across Europe saw immigration and terrorism as the most important issues facing their respective nations,[109] something confirmed by a Eurobarometer survey later that year which found that immigration was the greatest concern of Europeans in every EU member-nation with the exception of seven where terrorism was the greatest.[110] According to a May 2018 Pew Research Center survey, Western Europeans were more divided politically based on their views on populism versus the establishment than they were on traditional "left" versus "right" distinctions.[111] Conservative and right-wing populist leaders were often significantly younger than their establishment opponents.[112]

Some Europeans and Christians chose to emigrate from Western Europe due to the mass Muslim migration.[113][114]

According to a July 2018 study by Eurostat, countries with the most migration restrictions such as the Czech Republic and the other Visegrd nations also had the highest employment rate for non-EU migrants.[115]

In 2018, European countries began cracking down on migrant transport NGO ships, and in August 2018, none of those ships were operating in the Mediterranean.[116]

Fearful of terrorist attacks and gang violence, an increasing number of Europeans are choosing to possess guns.[117]

From Reunification in 1990 until 2010 the German population stagnated at 78 million. There remain 11 deaths for every 9 live births. Growth forecasts have been dire.[118] Homosexuality and abortion are often cited as the underlying cause of a once strong nation, with a 2000-year history, not replacing itself and now fading into oblivion. But the Germans and German government policy have become thoroughly Americanized, adopting an open border policy in 2005 hoping to reverse the trend of a shrinking population. Germany has become the melting pot of Europe with 1 in 5 Germans today born elsewhere. Germany is the second target country, behind the United States, of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants. By far, the majority of immigrants to Germany come from other European countries. Kurds from Turkey count for 6 in 10 Muslim immigrants, with a few more coming from Kosovo and Albania. According to an Emmid poll conducted by Bild in September 2018, two-thirds of Germans believed the condition of their country had declined since the migrant crisis began in 2015,[119] and a Leipzig University survey that same year found that a majority of Germans felt "like a stranger in their own country."[120] Germans became fed up about the mass migration and the extreme cultural differences between them and the migrants.[121] The number of Germans with a gun license doubled between 2014 and 2019 because of the fear created by the migrant crisis.[122]

The disastrous foreign policy of Obama and Hillary Clinton,[123][124] fomenting strife and revolution in the Syrian and Libyan Wars,[125] has impacted German immigration in numbers more than any other European power since late 2014.[126] Due to Chancellor Angela Merkel's open borders policies, more than 2.5 million refugees and migrants some estimates show up to 3 million[68] have flooded into Germany from outside Europe, migrants who do not share a common European heritage with their host country. In 2015 alone, Germany was invaded by nearly one million non-Western immigrants,[127] more than double the size of Germany's standing and reserve military force. Merkel opposed setting an upper limit on the number of refugees Germany would allow in annually.[128] About a third of third-world migrants entered Germany by airplane, according to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.[129] By 2016, 22.5% of all people living in Germany had a "migrant background,"[130] and the nation's government reported in 2018 that nearly 13% of the population was foreign-born.[131] It was reported in August 2017 that since 2015, when the migrant crisis was at its height, the German Prosecutor's Office received over 1,000 criminal complaints accusing Merkel of high treason for her actions regarding refugees and immigration.[132] Even in 2017, Germany admitted nearly 200,000 asylum-seekers.[133] Germany also tried to send the highest number of migrants to other EU countries.[134]

In mid-2016, the German government deployed an additional 90 border guards and 40 police officers in order to reduce the level of illegal immigration passing through Switzerland.[135][136] It also instituted border controls in preparation for the G-20 summit, showing liberal hypocrisy in the fact that the only time when border controls were instituted were when international leader came into the country.[137]

According to the German Federal Statistical Office, Germany's population growth in 2016 was entirely due to mass migration.[138] In June 2017, it was reported that Frankfurt became the first city in Germany where ethnic Germans were a minority.[139] By 2018, the name "Mohammed" was the 26th most popular name in Germany, rising from 97th place nearly 10 years prior,[140] and by 2019, "Mohammed" had become the most popular male name in Berlin.[141][142] According to Destatis, the German statistics office, Germany saw a 7% rise in births in 2016 due to mass migration, a massive change for a country which previously had one of the lowest European birthrates.[143] Migration, much of it from Eastern Europe, caused Germany's population to reach a record high in 2018.[144]

According to the German Federal Employment Agency in 2018, over half of German residents receiving the Hartz IV welfare benefits had migrant backgrounds.[145]

According to a July 2018 study by Martina Sauer of the Centre for Turkish Studies and Integration Research at the University of Duisburg-Essen, ethnic Turks in Germany were increasingly viewing themselves only as Turks rather than Germans.[146]

A study conducted by the Hamburg Media School and the University of Leipzig, the German media was uncritical of the migrant crisis and promoted the government's pro-mass immigration propaganda.[147] The study determined, that the information media did not live up to their task in the 2015/16 coverage of refugees and were more "political" actors than neutral observers.[148]

Germany's major establishment political parties did not mention the migrant crisis in the 2017 parliamentary election campaign.[149]

When discussing her options on how to counter the migrant crisis in 2015, Merkel quickly dismissed the notion of restoring border controls.[150] She also opposed setting an upper limit on the number of refugees allowed into Germany,[128] but after the 2017 elections, in order to create a governing coalition, she agreed to set a "soft" cap (as opposed to a "hard" cap).[151] After creating a "grand coalition" with the Social Democratic Party, Merkel and her coalition partner declared that the migrant crisis was over and yet promised to admit between 180,000 and 220,000 refugees every year.[152] In March 2018, Merkel proposed giving the EU the sole authority over asylum policy.[153] In May 2018, the German government announced that it would use its rotating seat on the UN Security Council to support "open societies" and fight "nationalists and populists."[154] While Merkel appeared to abandon the EU's migrant quota system by June 2018 in the face of opposition by more conservative governments, she continued supporting a plan endorsed by George Soros that would give large sums of money to African countries to help reduce migration.[155] Merkel continued advancing policies increasing the number of migrants into Germany.[156] Merkel continued defending her actions even several years afterward.[157]

In an interview in early 2018, the new interior minister Horst Seehofer said that Germany had been "shaped by Christianity", and that the country should not give up its own traditions. Furthermore, he stated that Islam "does not belong in Germany."[158] However, Merkel quickly responded by saying that "Islam belongs to Germany,"[159] and Germany's president, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, gave the same response.[160] Merkel's globalist views on immigration and unwillingness to compromise conflicted with the relatively conservative views of Seehofer, something which endangered the coalition she created after the 2017 elections.[161] Ultimately, they found a compromise which saw Merkel gain the upper hand.[162] German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier went even further, falsely declaring that Germany "is a nation of immigrants and will remain so" and that "there are no half or whole Germans, no biological or 'new' Germans."[163] In March 2019, Steinmeier stated that borders must remain permanently open.[164]

However, in February 2018, Merkel finally admitted the existence of "no-go areas ... where no one dares to go."[165][166] In April 2018, two men pretending to be Jews by wearing kippas who were specifically trying to disprove the notion of no-go zones were attacked by Muslims.[167] After 200 refugees rioted when police attempted to deport a single rejected asylum-seeker, which forced police to retreat temporarily, the German government promised to take a tougher policy.[168] Germany's interior minister promised reforms after it was found that Germany's migration agency had given over 1,000 ineligible migrants asylum in Bremen alone.[169]

In August 2018, CDU politician Barbara John wrote in a newspaper editorial that Germans should not be concerned about becoming an ethnic minority in their own country.[170]

While most of the protestors at the 2018 Chemnitz protests were conservative and patriotic Germans, Merkel described them as somehow being "neo-Nazis."[171] Shortly afterward, Merkel's government fired the head of the country's spy agency for not taking the establishmentarian stance toward the protests and toward the AfD.[172]

In December 2018, the German Supreme Court ruled in favor of recognizing a child marriage conducted under Sharia Law in Syria between a couple that migrated to Germany in 2015, despite German law prohibiting child marriages.[173]

Some migrants from Islamic Republics have embraced Western secularism and the Western idea of a secular civil government and legal system; these migrants, however, tend to be few,[174] as it is considered unlawful for an adherent of Islam to recognize any legal authority other than Allah.[175] To do so, under the laws of Islam, is a serious crime and is punishable by death.[176] Due to the large levels of Islamic immigration into Germany, the number of female genital mutilation cases that had occurred in the country rose to 60,000.[177] Active cases of tuberculosis rose 30% between 2014 and 2015, with the increase slowing the following year, in line with migration levels.[178] It was reported in September 2017 that at least 330 war criminals from Syria and Iraq were included among the asylum seekers that arrived since 2015.[179] That same month it was reported that nearly half of all crimes committed in Berlin were caused by migrants.[180] Homelessness in Germany increased 150% between 2014 and 2016 due to the migrant crisis.[181] Crimes explicitly targeted against Christians also saw massive growth, with nearly 100 such cases in 2017 alone.[182] Anti-Semitic crimes grew 10% in the first half of 2018.[183] In May 2019, Germany's commissioner on anti-Semitism urged Jews to avoid wearing the kippah "everywhere, all the time" because of anti-Semitism.[184]

According to a January 2018 report published by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Merkel's refugee policies were responsible for a massive increase in violent crime in Germany.[185] A June 2018 investigation into the Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees found that migrants with criminal records of crimes including rape, murder, and drug dealing frequently received asylum and were shielded from deportation despite their records.[186]

In January 2018, Die Welt reported on a survey that found that 27% of Islamic students agreed with the statement: "The Islamic laws of Sharia, according to which, for example, adultery or homosexuality are severely punished, are much better than the German laws."[187] Additionally, 8% supported violently creating an Islamic caliphate or empire, 3.8% agreed that engaging in acts of terrorism was sometimes justifiable in order to advance Islam, and 18.6% agreed that it was their Islamic duty to spread their religion and "fight unbelievers."[187] A study conducted by the Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony using data from 2013 to 2016 found that foreigners were twice as likely to be criminal suspects.[188] The number of Germans killed by foreigners rapidly increased between 2015 and 2017.[189] In 2017, the number of migrants referred to the country's security services quadrupled.[190]

Due to growing crime by Muslim migrants, as well as backlash from alleged "right-wing extremists" opposed to the migration, the German city of Cottbus temporarily banned new refugees in January 2018.[191][192]

In March 2019, it was revealed that police authorities in a certain district in the country hid data on migrant crimes in order to not "stir up prejudice."[193]

In July 2016 an ax-wielding Muslim Afghan refugee attacks passengers on a German train injuring 4 people before being shot dead.[194]

A Syrian suicide bomber injured 15 people through a suicide attack in Ansbach on July 24, 2016.[195]

On December 20, 2016, a truck rammed into a crowded Christmas market in Berlin, killing at least 12 people and injuring at least 48 others.[196] ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack.[197]

In recent decades Salafism has become the dominant mainstream thought among adherents of Sunni Islam of the Middle East and North Africa.[198] These regions, along with Central Africa, are the countries of origin of most of the Muslims who have entered Europe and Germany since the Obama regime's failed "Arab Spring" uprisings which have left in excess of 300,000 dead and at least 11 million homeless and displaced globally.[199][200][201][202][203][204][205] Salafism rejects democracy as disobedient to Allah and idolatrous, and advocates a civil regime under shariah law.[206] A Muslim who migrates for economic opportunity or to escape tyranny (in the Western sense of the word) is a traitor to Islam. He is deemed a radical and worse than an infidel to Sunni-Salafi society; he has betrayed his nation and his people (takfir). Those bringing shariah law to non-Muslim lands - the dominant mainstream legal system among Sunnis - are on a "civilizing" mission to the "ignorant" (jahiliyyah) disbelieving "infidels".[207][208]

Once a devout Muslim finds a secure area to pray five times daily (the Second Pillar of Islam), that area encompassing a few cubic feet becomes part of the "sacred realm" of Islam (which does not recognize national borders), under the law and teachings of Islam.[209] According to Islam, it becomes territory held by "legal authority", to be defended against retaking by "infidels".

The Alternative for Germany (AfD), was founded in 2013 by economics professor Bernd Lucke.[210] Although the party was relatively conservative and Eurosceptic (it mainly opposed the Eurozone[211]), it was a neo-liberal party that attracted middle class opponents of the Eurozone.[210] The party made several gains during this time, with seven AfD members being elected to the European Parliament in 2014.[211]

A power struggle within the party soon broke out, with Lucke, who wanted the party to focus on an anti-Euro policy, being opposed by Frauke Petry and her conservative, right-wing faction that emphasized law and order, immigration reductions, conservative social views, and opposition to Islam.[210] In the AfD party elections of July 2015, Petry won 68 percent of the vote, becoming the new leader of the party.[210] The liberal Lucke subsequently left the party and formed his own.[211] Additionally, five of the party's seven MEP's left the party.[211] The AfD quickly adopted Petry's conservative, right-wing populist agenda, even though it still supported holding a referendum over the Eurozone.[211][212]

Under Petry's leadership, the AfD continued to grow dramatically, winning numerous seats in state parliaments.[212][213][214] The AfD formed an alliance with the Freedom Party of Austria in 2016 due to their shared Eurosceptic views.[215] Immigration is a very large issue in the party.

While the AfD was unable to gain any seats in the German national parliament in the 2013 election, it entered the Bundestag in the 2017 election after taking a historic third place with nearly 13% of the vote, while Angela Merkel's CDU received its worst result since 1949.[216] Despite this, Merkel continued defending her open borders policies.[217] After the CDU and SDP formed another grand coalition government,[218] the AfD became the official opposition party.[219]

In 2018, polling found that the AfD had the second-highest level of public support of any German party.[220]

On October 10, 732 AD, Charles Martel defeated the Muslim armies in the Battle of Tours. This Frankish victory secured Christian Europe's ability to develop without the influence or fear of Islam. For about 1,200 years after the battle, Europe, although facing numerous wars and conflicts, never had the very fabric of its society threatened by invaders (with the possible exception of the 1683 Siege of Vienna; see the "Austria" section below). However, beginning with the independence of its colony of Algeria in 1962, the number of Muslims in France has dramatically increased. Although a united European front opposed Islam in 732, a sizable French minority supported the influx of peoples who did not share French or European values. France now has a serious problem regarding immigration.[221]

France has a long history of interaction with Islam. From 1837 until 1962 Algeria and much of North West Africa were administered as a French colonial province. For this reason alone, France was elevated to one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council in 1945 due to France's historical experience in dealing with predominantly Islamic populations.

But tensions between France and the Islamic world run deep. Arab Muslims to this day refer to the Crusaders of nearly a millennia ago as "Franks," regardless of whatever part of Europe they originated. The first fatwa issued by the Islamic State singled out particularly the "filthy French":[222]

The French immigration model was largely developed to assimilate people at the close of the colonial era in the 1960s and paralleled somewhat the United States model. Immigrants were expected to abandon the culture of their place of origin, adopt French secularism and language, and fully assimilate. In the 21st century, with the mass arrival of Muslims who self-segregate, refuse French customs, and insist upon religious practices in public schools (daily prayers and coverings for females), social tensions have mounted. Many French feel immigrant demands are a threat to their republican form of government. By the time of the migrant crisis, migrant groups did not assimilate and different groups developed their own separate communities, with the concept of being French fading.[223]

France has seen very large immigration levels from the Islamic world the country saw a record 100,000 asylum applications in 2017, with most of them being from Africa.[224] In 2017, there were over 115,000 attempts by migrants to leave the Port of Calais, where many of them were encamped, to illegally travel to Britain.[225] According to a French parliament report in 2018, as many as 400,000 illegal migrants lived in the suburb of Seine-Saint-Denis alone.[226][227]

In 2018, the French government increased its border security on the Italian border after a patriotic organization brought attention to the illegal immigration in the area through a demonstration.[228]

In 2017, a French National Front official was fined for "inciting hatred" by noting the massive increase of Muslim children in certain French schools and stating those levels were too high.[229][230]

In August 2017, a court ordered the local government in Calais to provide the migrants staying there with facilities, which the local government feared would lead to another migrant slum in the area.[231]

The French media has taken a pro-mass migration viewpoint. For example, in January 2018, the newspaper Libration published an opinion article that stated that "something extremely beautiful has happened: we have been invaded by immigrants."[232]

Numerous terrorist attacks have occurred in France, including the Charlie Hebdo shooting leaving 12 people killed,[233] the November Paris attacks with 130 innocents killed,[234] and an attack in Nice in July 2016 leaving about 80 killed.[235] Anti-Semitic incidents have also risen sharply,[236] and in 2018, they increased 74%.[237]

Many of France's suburbs, which have high proportions of migrants living there, have high crime rates. As seen in a notable 2016 example, police crackdowns in the suburbs against those people have led to much violence.[238] In June 2017, an app was created to warn people when they go into a "no-go zone" and tell them the risk of sexual assault.[239] In November 2017, Islamist men were arrested for barging into a monastery in Verdun and demanding that the nuns there convert to Islam or go to Hell.[240] The migrant camp in Calais also saw much violence.[225]

In September 2017, the University of Reims Champagne-Ardennes suspended all its classes because around 40 migrants were squatting on the campus after they were kicked out of a nearby park.[241]

In June 2018, it was reported that about 450 detained Muslim extremists including 50 considered terror threats were scheduled to be released from French prisons by the following year.[242]

In June 2018, the Eiffel Tower was retrofitted with bulletproof glass in order to protect it from terrorist attacks.[243]

In May 2019, a large number of illegal migrants stormed the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, occupying a terminal and chanting "France does not belong to the French!"[244] In July 2019, this same group of migrants stormed Paris' Pantheon monument.[245]

France experienced a very large number of church burnings and vandalism.[246][247]

Female genital mutilation cases in France rose significantly in the two decades before 2019.[248]

The French National Rally, formerly known as National Front, which although sharing characteristics with conservative parties is not a real conservative party, nonetheless strongly opposes membership in the socialist and globalist EU.

In recent years, the party has seen much success. One of its more notable victories was its exceptional performance in the 2014 European Parliament elections, where it became the largest party in the parliament that represented France.[249][250]

National Front leader Marine Le Pen is a candidate for the 2017 French presidential election, in which the EU was a "hot-button issue."[251] United States President Donald Trump called her the strongest of the presidential candidates, particularly on borders and security.[252] British politician and radio talk show host Nigel Farage endorsed Le Pen.[253] By contrast, former U.S. President Barack Obama spoke with pro-EU candidate Emmanuel Macron,[254] who stated that terrorism would be "part of our daily lives for the years to come."[255] After the first round, Obama explicitly endorsed Macron's candidacy.[256]

Left-wing opponents of Le Pen stated that even before the election, Le Pen made a large impact, shifting the political debate in France to the right.[257]

Le Pen received second place in the first round of the election on April 23 with over 21% of the vote, meaning she advanced to the second round to face Macron.[258][259][260]

Le Pen chose conservative nationalist Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, the president of the political party France Arise, to be her prime minister if elected.[261][262]

Although Le Pen lost the election with just under 34% of the vote, the election was a victory for her in a sense as it showed that she, her party, and their ideas had entered and were influencing the French mainstream.[263] Soon after the election, it was revealed that even if Le Pen had won, the liberal elite in France would have taken steps to keep her from actually welding power.[264]

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