Germany’s Migrant Crisis: ‘By 2060 There Will Be No Germany as … – Sputnik International

This week, Germany's Interior Ministry released its 2016 crime figures, showing a dramatic increase inviolent crime, including a 14.3% rise inmurder and manslaughter, a 12.7% rise inrape and sexual assaults, and a 9.9% increase inserious assaults overthe previous year. The figures showed that illegal immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers were suspected ofhaving committing 174,438 crimes, a whopping 52.7% increase overthe previous year.

AP Photo/ Martin Meissner

Germany watchers say there's a clear connection betweenthis increase incrime and Chancellor Angela Merkel's open door policy towardimmigrants. German media, meanwhile, is considering whether the statistics will affect her chances inSeptember's parliamentary elections.

AFP 2017/ Christof Stache

Migrants arrive at the first registration point for asylum seekers in Erding near Munich, southern Germany, on November 15, 2016

Commenting onthe migrant crisis facing Germany and the rest ofEurope, RIA Novosti contributor and Europe observer Igor Pshenichnikov recalled that "observing the situation withrefugees inEurope overthe last ten or fifteen years, it can be argued that the authorities ofEuropean countries did not set outto confront the influx ofimmigrants."

AP Photo/ Allauddin Khan

"The Europeans continued tooperate underthis paradigm even atthe moment, two years ago, when the flow ofmigrants suddenly turned intoa tsunami, inconnection withthe wars inLibya, Syria and Iraq. It took some time beforeGerman authorities, who showed the most favorable attitudes towardimmigrants, came torealize the mistake they made in2015, when they declared all migrants welcome."

But chalking it all downto some kind of' mistake' isn't correct, Pshenichnikov noted. Behind Berlin's logic were macroeconomic calculations which went beyondthe interests ofordinary Germans.

REUTERS/ Hannibal Hanschke

The report explained that Germany's current fertility rates 160 births per 100 women, was far belowthat which would be necessary toreproduce the population (which requires a fertility rate of210 children per 100 women). Accordingly, the German government calculated that the country 'needs' an estimated 300,000 migrants new migrants each year, inorder topreserve economic stability upto 2060.

AP Photo/ Frank Augstein

A man holds up a poster of German Chacellor Angela Merkel before starting a march out of Budapest, Hungary, Friday, Sept. 4, 2015

"It's obvious," Pshenichnikov noted, "that withoutlaborers the economy will not work."

"But it's not so difficult toimagine what this will all lead toby 2060, either. If Chancellor Merkel's macroeconomic calculations are correct, the German economy will not experience shortages toits working population." However, if the migration trends continue, bythe time 2060 rolls around, "there will be much fewer actual Germans, forwhom all this is all supposedly being calculated, thanthere are today."

AP Photo/ Maurizio Gambarini/dpa

Even the simplest calculation of300,000 migrants per year means over12 million new arrivals by2060 tocomplement Germany's population of81 million. "But this calculation does not consider the difference inbirthrates betweenGermans and migrants, nor the fact that in2015-2016 alone, Berlin had 'fulfilled its migration plan' fornearly a decade."

These trends threaten tobring withthem tectonic changes toGermany's ethnic, culture and religious traditions aswell, Pshenichnikov stressed. Today, the analyst recalled, likemost EU members, Germany is facing the lowest birthrates inits history. "One ofthe main reasons forthisis the radical change" that has been observed "in Europe's cultural and religious traditions, or rather, their dissolution intothe semi-official ideology ofurban individualism," he added.

Sputnik/ Valeriy Melnikov

The resulting clash betweenthe cultural, social and religious norms that these people bring withthem and those ofGermany's native population inevitably lead tomisunderstandings and conflicts, the analyst added.

"For instance, why did the immigrants show themselves insuch a striking manner duringlast year's New Year's Eve celebrations inGermany particularly inthe infamous Cologne 'night ofrape'? Because they were brought upin different, more severe traditions, and consider Europeans, withtheir gender freedoms, tobe [a civilization that is] 'finished', fromthe moral standpoint, and thus not deserving ofrespect."

AP Photo/ Juergen Schwarz

Right-wing demonstrators hold a sign "Rapefugees not welcome - !Stay away!" and a sign with a crossed out mosque as they march in Cologne, Germany

Pshenichnikov emphasized that it's "for the same reason that it doesn't seem likely that immigrants will mix significantly withthe Europeans: the gulf betweenthe cultures and religions ofthe East and Europe is simply too wide. The newcomers not only do not wish tobe integrated intothe local culture; they deeply despise it assomething decadent and declining."

AP Photo/ Armin Weigel/dpa

The question, Pshenichnikov laments, is "who will this economic capital be left to?"

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Germany's Migrant Crisis: 'By 2060 There Will Be No Germany as ... - Sputnik International

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