Migrant Crisis Part II: EU Braces for Flood of Illegal Ukrainian Migrant Workers – Sputnik International


13:29 30.05.2017(updated 13:31 30.05.2017) Get short URL

Earlier this month, the EU parliament and the European Council formalized a long-awaited visa liberalization agreement withUkraine. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko dubbed the decision 'historic', saying that it was Ukraine's final goodbye toits Soviet and Russian 'imperial past'.

The agreement, expected totake effect June 11, will allow Ukrainian citizens withbiometric passports toenter Schengen Area countries (except forthe UK and Ireland), forup to90 days inany 180-day period visa-free. During entry, travelers will be required toproduce a return ticket, proof ofa hotel reservation or an invitation fromrelatives living inthe EU, proof ofmedical insurance and atleast 45 euros foreach day they plan tospend onSchengen Area territory.

AP Photo/ Virginia Mayo

Speaking toRadio Sputnik, Russian political scientist Vladimir Shapovalov explained why Europeans' concerns are justified.

"These fears are well-founded. Notwithstanding the fact that the EU has adopted special regulatory measures aimed atpreventing the influx ofguest workers, it's obvious that many Ukrainian citizens will attempt touse the visa-free regime tostay inEurope," the analyst said.

"Today, there are already hundreds ofthousands ofUkrainians looking forwork inEU countries, and it's obvious that the introduction ofa visa-free regime strongly stimulates the aspirations ofUkrainians looking toget intoEurope."

"And these aspirations are understandable," Shapovalov added. "The Ukrainian economy is facing a grave crisis, exacerbated bypolitical problems and those related tothe [war ineastern Ukraine]. In this situation, working abroad is not just a decision taken ona whim, buta real opportunity toavoid the tremendous social problems and poverty which are typical forUkraine."

Sputnik/ Mikhail Voskresenskiy

Shapovalov suggested that the problem ofpossible illegal labor migration toEU countries is only compounded bythe fact that Kiev is actively seeking todiscourage Ukrainians fromcoming toRussia towork.

An estimated 2.1 million working-age Ukrainians are estimated tobe living and working inRussia. They send home hundreds ofmillions ofdollars-worth ofremittances totheir home country each year. If these migrant workers are squeezed outof Russia, they will need tofind somewhere else togo tofeed families.

"It's no secret that there are millions ofUkrainians working inRussia. If the Ukrainian government creates a regime banning citizens fromworking inRussia, Ukrainians will have nothing left todo butdash fromthe east tothe west, that is, toseek work inPoland, Germany, France and the UK. This is the result ofthe policy being pursued byKiev and, indirectly, the EU," Shapovalov concluded.

Migrant Crisis Part II: EU Braces for Flood of Illegal Ukrainian Migrant Workers - Sputnik International

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