Migrant Crisis Series: Greece and Italy look to back away from taking further refugees – EconoTimes

Migrant Crisis Series: Greece and Italy look to back away from taking further refugees

United Nations International Organization for Migration reported that 20,484 refugees from entered Europe this year by traveling via sea, according to data collected till mid-March. More than 80 percent of them came to Italy, followed by Greece and Spain. Both Italy and Greece are voicing their angertowards the European Union by saying that both of these countries have reached saturation limit and cannot take any more refugees.

Greek Migration minister said that Greece is already sheltering about 60,000 refugees and it would be a mistake to make Greeces burden heavier using the Dublin agreement. The Dublin agreement states that refugees can be set back to the first country they had set their foot on in Europe. Italy, which has taken in 500,000 refugees since 2014, says that it cannot take any more refugees. It warns that, if the European government fails to control the influx of migrant boats then the country could be overrun by tens of thousands of new African refugees.

Several Eastern European countries including the Czech Republic have also expressed their displeasure with the European refugee scheme and refuse to take in refugees other than Christians.

The fallouts from the refugee crisis are far from over and it continues to strain the relations between different countries in the European Union.

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Migrant Crisis Series: Greece and Italy look to back away from taking further refugees - EconoTimes

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