Thousands march in Poland for ‘protectors of the border’ amid migrant crisis | TheHill – The Hill

Thousands of people marched in Warsaw for an annual Independence Day march that right-wing organizers said was for"protectors of the border" as Poland faces a migrant crisis at its border with Belarus.

The event, which has a history of violent incidents, was banned by a court, but that decision was challenged by Poland's nationalist administration, Reuters reported.

As thousands of migrantsattempt to enter theEuropean Union (EU) through Poland's eastern borderwith Belarus, someaccusePoland's Law and Justice government of offering support tothe far-right and perpetuating anti-migrant narratives.

People at the marchcarried Polish and nationalist flags and chanted sayings like "Viva, viva border guard" and "God, Honor, Homeland," according to Reuters.

A government spokespersondid not commenton whether the majority partyendorsed the march, redirecting inquiries to theveterans' agency that formally approved the event, the news service added.

Earlier this week, Russia blamed the EU for the alleged migrant crisis at Poland's border.

During a joint news conference with the Belarusian foreign minister,Russias Foreign MinisterSergei Lavrovsaid he hoped Europeans would not allow themselves to be drawn into a spiral that is fairly dangerous."

Belarus Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei added at the conference that bothBelarus and Russia have offered support to one another due to unfriendly activity against our countries."

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Thousands march in Poland for 'protectors of the border' amid migrant crisis | TheHill - The Hill

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