Heritage expands team in war on socialism and academic liberalism – Washington Examiner

The Heritage Foundation, where President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence often look to for policy guidance and support, is boosting its team to take on threats of socialism and academic liberalism driving that challenge to democracy.

The Capitol Hill-based think tank that has advised Republican presidents from Ronald Reagan to Trump told Secrets that it has brought on four visiting scholars who are experts and advocates of American exceptionalism, and who will help it tackle the socialistic trend exploding on colleges campuses and among politicians in and outside of Washington.

Their academic credentials will allow Heritage to more forcefully engage on some of the biggest issues confronting our country: the decline in civics, the lefts takeover of our educational institutions, the rise in popularity of socialism, and challenges to our form of government, said the organization in its announcement.

The new team:

The four, who Heritage plans to feature in its regular and social media, will allow Heritage to more forcefully engage on some of the biggest issues confronting our country: the decline in civics, the lefts takeover of our educational institutions, the rise in popularity of socialism, and challenges to our form of government, it said.

Heritage noted, for example, that Guelzo has tackled the New York Times 1619 Project on slavery. The 1619 Project is not history. It is conspiracy theory, Guelzo told a Heritage audience in October 2019. This is polemic, and a polemic born in the imagination of those whose primary target is capitalism itself, and who hoped to tarnish capitalism by associating it with slavery, he added.

Heritage President Kay C. James said, From its inception, the Heritage Foundation has always worked to bring together the best minds in the country to develop solutions to the pressing issues that America faces. These new scholars in the Feulner Institutes Simon Center are no exception. We are truly excited about the work they will undertake and we hope it will provide the foundation to inspire and unify the American people under a common purpose and a common set of principles.

Heritage is relocating the Simon Center for American Studies within the Feulner Institute, named for Heritage founder Edwin J. Feulner.

See the article here:
Heritage expands team in war on socialism and academic liberalism - Washington Examiner

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