Mike Pence once argued a president could be removed on …

Vice President Mike Pence speaks to attendees during a Homeland Security Department conference in New York last month.

Vice President Mike Pence once argued that a president could be removed from office simply if he lost the moral authority to lead.

CNN unearthed two newspaper columns that Pence wrote in the late 1990s, when he was a radio host. In them, Pence made the argument that President Bill Clinton had lost his moral authority to lead the country because of his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

Pence wrote that a president needed to be held to a higher moral standard that our next door neighbor, dismissing the idea that the president is just like the rest of us.

The president of the United States can incinerate the planet, he said.

As a result, the First Family must be role models, he argued.

Pence has largely stayed silent regarding the allegations that President Donald Trump had extramarital affairs with a former Playboy model Karen McDougal and a former adult firm actress Stormy Daniels and knew that payments were made to them during the 2016 presidential campaign to keep their stories from becoming public.

Read: FBI has secret tape of Trump talking payment to Playboy model

Pence did once call Daniels assertions of an affair with Trump baseless. Trump is being investigated by Special Counsel Robert Mueller over allegations his campaign colluded with Russia. Trump has repeatedly called the probe to be halted.

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Mike Pence once argued a president could be removed on ...

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