Open thread for night owls: Mike Pence’s own history of science denial – Daily Kos

March for Science, Washington D.C.

On this Earth Day, the March for Science brought out tens of thousands of fans of the scientific method and scientific pursuits. You know; the stuff that teaches us about the world we livein. The stuff of every invention, ever. The reason we have everything from beer to Twitter. The reason nobody you know has polio.

Unfortunately there arent any others we can move to. This is it. And it doesnt matterwhether Mike Pence fancies himself personally smarter than the most devoted expertsworking, collectively, for generations, to suss out more substantive details on the origins of man than he, personally, is interested in; hes not, and it doesnt work that way.




At Daily Kos on this date in 2014Earth Day is one day of 365. What about polar ice cap day, rainforest day, corporate plunder day?

While Earth Day organizers refused checks from Standard Oil, Monsanto and Procter and Gamble, among others, many political activists on the Left viewed the whole affair with suspicion. They saw environmental advocacy in general as a diversion from "real issues," such as poverty, racism, the Vietnam War and the imperialism that engendered it. Indeed, just a week after that first Earth Day, on April 29, the U.S. sent troops into Cambodia and, within three weeks, six students had been killed during protests at Kent State and Jackson State Universities. Environmental matters were for many protesters a low priority.

But Nelson, an avid opponent of the war, didn't see it that way. After the Cuyahoga River caught fire in 1969, he had come up with the idea for Earth Day based on the anti-war college campus teach-ins he had witnessed. He got Denis Hayeswho eight years later would be my boss at the Solar Energy Research Instituteto coordinate Earth Day doings, Instead of putting out a national agenda for Earth Day, Nelson argued that it should be a grassroots affair with activities set in motion in local communities, not by professional organizers based in Washington, D.C.

And that was exactly how it played out.

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Open thread for night owls: Mike Pence's own history of science denial - Daily Kos

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