Some Notre Dame students think Mike Pence ‘demeans’ their ‘humanity’ – Washington Examiner

"What we want to do is give a voice to those who have been silenced." So said one Notre Dame student leading an effort to protest Vice President Mike Pence's upcoming commencement address on campus.

The irony of protesting an alleged attempt to silence some people by silencing another is obviously lost on this young activist.

"For many people on our campus," the student said, "it makes them feel unsafe to have someone who openly is offensive but also demeaning of their humanity and of their life and of their identity."

Word salad, fresh from higher education's farm of half-baked progressive hot takes.

To break the sentence down, this student is claiming offensive speech, and the so-called demeaning of people's humanity, lives, and identities, makes her peers feel unsafe. That charge could also be viewed as demeaning to people whose safety is in legitimate danger, rather than private school students who feel as though a mainstream political opponent's worldview poses a serious danger to their "humanities" and "identities."

Another student told the school paper that the school's decision to bring the vice president of the United States to campus for commencement "goes against certain Catholic Social Teaching," charging the university with "picking and choosing" which of those teachings it stands behind.

Picking and choosing? Like choosing to ignore teachings on marriage and abortion?

Certainly, it is fair for these students to disagree with Pence's perspectives on political issues. But their inability to present well-reasoned objections to his politics, instead cobbling together an incompatible assortment of half-formed arguments, is another unfortunate reminder that the campus Left is no longer interested in reason at all.

Emily Jashinsky is a commentary writer for the Washington Examiner.

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04/14/17 11:20 AM

Continued here:
Some Notre Dame students think Mike Pence 'demeans' their 'humanity' - Washington Examiner

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