Testicles on menu: Will Vice President Mike Pence try at Nevada fundraiser? – USA TODAY


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The vice president will be the featured guest at this annual Basque Fry.

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Siobhan McAndrew, Reno (Nev.) Gazette-Journal Published 7:17 a.m. ET July 15, 2017 | Updated 7:17 a.m. ET July 15, 2017

Vice President Mike Pence will be the featured guest for Mornings In Nevada PACs Annual Basque Fry. The main dish? Stew with lamb testicle.(Photo: Alex Brandon, AP)

RENO, Nev. Vice President Mike Pence will get the opportunity to try lamb testicle at what has become an annual fundraiser for conservative causes, candidates and organizations at a ranch in Gardnerville, Nev.

Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt saidPence is the featured guest for Mornings In Nevada PACs Annual Basque Fry at Corley Ranch on Aug. 26.

We are truly excited for Nevada to welcome Vice President Mike Pence to this years third Annual Basque Fry event, Laxalt said. This has truly become the grassroots event for Nevada conservatives and Republicans, attracting residents from all 17 counties.

Pence will be part of a line up of entertainment and other speakers, according to organizers.

A Basque Fry is traditional stew with the main ingredient being lamb testicle.

The Basque Fry has attracted national figures including Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Texas U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, current HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, U.S. Senator Tom Cotton, former Ambassador John Bolton, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke and businesswoman Carly Fiorina.

The Morning in Nevada PAC was created in 2014 by friends of Laxalt, who became Nevadas Attorney He was the youngest state Attorney General in the country at the time. The name comes from the 1984 campaign slogan of President Ronald Reagan who started off a commercial with the line, Its morning again in America.

For more information about the event, visitwww.morninginnevadapac.org.

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Testicles on menu: Will Vice President Mike Pence try at Nevada fundraiser? - USA TODAY

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