What Buttigieg said about Harris vs. Pence, the postal service and more – IndyStar

IndyStar journalists Chris Sikich and Robert Scheer talk about their experience covering Pete Buttigieg's campaign, from Iowa to the Carolinas. Indianapolis Star

Pete Buttigieg, who has nabbed a primetime speaking spot Thursday at the Democratic National Convention, chatted with IndyStar this week about Kamala Harris' matchup against Mike Pence, President Donald Trump's handling of the U.S. Postal Serviceand what his own future might look like in a Biden administration.

Here is the conversation with the former South Bend mayor and onetime presidential candidate, edited lightly for brevity.

Question: Why have you been campaigning so hard for Joe Biden?

Answer: Because so much is on the line. It's common in election years to say this is the most important election ever, but I don't think many people disagree this is the most important election of our lifetime. The nation, our democracy, is on the ballot. The country is in a national emergency. The credibility of our country is collapsing. The economy is in the worst shape its been in since the early 20th century. I never thought this was possible when I was running for president, but the stakes have actually gone up compared to the beginning of this year and I think anyone who cares where we are heading has to be as involved as much as possible in making sure this election goes well.

Q: How do you think vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris will fare against Mike Pence?

A: I think it's a great choice on Joe Biden's part. Of course her nomination is historic, but she's also somebody who speaks with great intelligence and precision as well as empathy. I think that's going to make her a very compelling contrast to Vice President Pence, who has come on board with an administration that is antithetical to every conservative value as well as every progressive value. She is somebody who is quite gifted when it comes to getting to the core of an issue. She has a talent for uncovering the central questions that are at stake, as you can see in the work she has done on Senate committees. That will serve her well in debating Vice President Pence, but I also just think the contrast.She understands from personal experiencewhat's at stake in this becoming a country where gender equality is real, where racial equity is achieved, where Black lives matter. She will be able to speak to that in a moment where that is exactly what the country is looking for.

Q: How should Democrats respond to President Trumps handling of the U.S. Postal Service?

A: Well, like many other things, the Postal Service should be completely free of political interference, and so the president's confession last week that he wantsit to be harder to vote by mail is a stunning admission of why he's motivated to undermine the Postal Service.One of the basic yardsticks of human civilization is the ability to deliver mail, and Americans ought to be able to do that at all times. And yet it's being actively undermined for political reasons. This is something you don't have to be a Democrat to understand. Asa matter of fact, seniors, rural votersand veterans are all among those who will disproportionately suffer from the attempts to undermine the Postal Service.

Q: Why do you think Donald Trump remains so popular in many parts of Indiana?

A: Well, first I think some perspective would be helpful. This is an exceptionally unpopular president by historical standards, but I do think there are many in Indiana who have grown up Republican and vote Republican out of habit. Even when you have a president who attacks Republican values too, it's a hard habit to break.If there was ever a year people should reconsider old partisan habits, it's this year. The way the president has behaved is a direct frontal attack not only on liberal values but on conservative values, too.

Q: What can Democrats do to break through in Indiana, especially in statewide races?

A: I've always believed there's no such thing as a permanently red state. We've seen Indiana go blue in electingJoe Donnelly and in voting for Barack Obama. I think we can do it again. I think it helps that we have really compelling candidates. I noted Dr. Myers, who is running for governor, put out areally compelling videotodayabout his experiences with race and medicine and leadership. I think the most important thing is to ensure that our stories are reaching as many Hoosiers as possible and I'll do my part to try to amplify those stories because they are so important.

Q: What was your biggest lesson from your own campaign for president?

A: The biggest thing that struck me was that Americans are more open to moving across party lines than you would ever guess by looking at the behavior of politicians in Washington. Time and time again, I'd be campaigning in rural areas and conservative areas on a progressive message that was also inclusive and I would see again and again Republicans talk about how enthusiastic they were to support this campaign without ever having to pretend to be something I was not. That really tells you we are in a moment that could change and realign some of this polarization that has gotten to be so deep, especially since we have a Republican president who does not behave according to any American values, conservative or liberal. That creates an historic opportunity to cut through some of these partisan divides. It's something that I felt as a candidate before, and it's something that I feel now as I look at what's happening around the country heading into November.

Q: I heard Joe Biden say you'd have a job in his administration if you wanted one. Would you seek a Cabinet post in a Biden/Harris administration?

A: Well, first we have to make sure there is a Biden/Harris administration, but of course I would love the chance to return to public service if that's what a new president decides and it makes sense. Right now, I'm laser-focused on doing my part to make sure that we have that change in administrations.

Q:What are you looking forward to at the convention?

A: Well, I'm looking forward to the innovation first of all. You know, we've been forced into this situation by a terrible emergency, but I think we all know that conventions were maybe ready for some changes.I'll be interested to see how we find new ways to connect. Last night I did an event with the Indiana delegation where the state party arranged a virtual dance party. So on the social side as well as the political side, I'm excited to see that. The most important thing is the show of unity. We're not pretending to agree on everything in our party, but we're going to deliverthe message that progressives and moderates and independents and even some Republicans are welcome in this effort to deliver this change we need before it's too late.

Q: What was a virtual dance party like?

A: It was interesting. You were able to see everyone's different styles, one little Zoom square at a time. It was fun.

Call IndyStar reporter Chris Sikich at 317-444-6036. Follow him on Twitter: @ChrisSikich.

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What Buttigieg said about Harris vs. Pence, the postal service and more - IndyStar

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