Sheep Breeders Round Table to take place in November –

The Sheep Breeders Round Table is confirmed to take place between Monday 15, and Friday 19, November 2021.

The Sheep Breeders Round Table is an industry initiative, with collaboration from AHDB Beef and Lamb, AgriSearch, the National Sheep Association (NSA), Hybu Cig Cymru (HCC) and Quality Meat Scotland (QMS).

It is open to anyone with an interest in sheep production and always attracts a varied audience of farmers, breeders, researchers and vets.

While the country finds its way out of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Sheep Breeders Round Table committee has taken the decision to host the event as an online conference this year, so as not to restrict attendee numbers.

This provides an exciting opportunity to invite a wide and global audience to join in with the programme of activities organised.

The event is free of charge and links for registration can be found on the AHDB website.

The move from a face-to-face event to its virtual sphere this year, means that the programme will run over a week, opening with a lunchtime session on Monday, November 15, followed by four evening sessions, each hosted by a different levy board from the four UK nations.

AgriSearch will host the Northern Ireland session which will take place on Thursday, November 18 at 7:00p.m.

The NSA will conclude the event programme with a Friday lunchtime session.

The programme starts with a practical guide for all to explain how and why estimated breeding values (EBVs) can be used effectively within a commercial flock.

Each evening from 7:00p.m, levy boards will provide an update on major projects they are involved with.

Topics include breeding for maternal performance, the hill ram scheme, terminal sire breeding, and future proofing your sheep business.

The NSA conclude the week discussing the future of sheep breeding, using genetics to meet the requirements of farmers, society and policymakers.

A range of international speakers, breeders and commercial farmers will join each session to provide a view from overseas and an open and honest first-hand experience from pedigree breeders and commercial farmers involved in the various projects.


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Sheep Breeders Round Table to take place in November -

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