Three Contract Protests Lodged Against NSA! – Breaking Defense

NSA headquarters

WASHINGTON: The National Security Agency, which can go for ten years without a contract protest, currently faces three, slowing the agencys ability to issue new contracts.

We are sitting on three of them right now. Used to be you could go a decade without one, let alone sitting on three in one year,Charlie Stein, of the NSAs wonderfully named Maryland Procurement Office, told about 100 audience members at the INSA and AFCEA intelligence conference today.

For the companies involved, Stein did not sound terribly sympathetic and offered a fact that must elicit enormous envy from his colleagues in Defense Department acquisition. Ican say that we have not lost one yet, and we dont intend to.

So whats the cause of this sudden spate of protests, especially one involving an agency that normally works very closely and quietly with its contractors, often for a very long time?

Stein says they now have a junior workforce, one that isnt as adept at crossing every T and dotting every i. Combine that with fact that, as a result of the protests, their attorneys are tied up dealing with protests so they dont have time to make sure new deals are free of protestable issues.

Al Munson, first head of acquisition for the Director of National Intelligence, who appeared on the panel with Stein, notes in a recent paper for the Potomac Institute that bid protests were extremely rare, and success in causing a source selection decision to be overturned were even much rarer in the past. This has multiple effects on intelligence acquisition.

Munson writes that the government has reduced the periods within the competitive process wherein communication with potential competitors can occur and has reduced the quality of those communications. This has the effect of reducing the clarity and increasing the ambiguity in the bidders understanding of the governments needs, and therefore, in the responsiveness of the bids to those needs. Munson believes this can lead to an overly optimistic (read: unrealistic) cost proposal. And once a protest is lodged, a program can be delayed years while the issues are resolved.

We wont mention the Air Forces tanker fiasco, but you can read about it here.

Three Contract Protests Lodged Against NSA! - Breaking Defense

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