Apparently This Is How Obama Really Feels About Trump – Complex

Sadly, the alleged Obama quote about Trump we're reporting on today is not, simply, "Fuck that guy." But it's pretty close. According to People, former POTUS Barack Obama told "two friends" shortly after the election how he really felt about the Home Alone 2: Lost in New York ruiner who's currently occupying the White House.

"He's nothing but a bullshitter," Obama reportedly told the friends last November when discussing an election night phone conversation he had with Trump. As for how Obama's views of a POTUS who can't even spell basic words correctly on Twitter have changed in the months since that alleged quote, People's sources have some clarity. "Well," one said, "it hasn't gotten any better."

The "bullshitter" distinction is obviously apt, especially when considering all the absolute drivel Trump has (publicly, mind you) hurled at Obama.For years, Trump attempted to discredit Obama by questioning the legitimacy of his birth certificate. Despite Obama's publication of his birth certificate in 2011, Trump continued to press the non-issue in interviews and, of course, on Twitter:

For the bullshitter-in-chief's latest delivery of bullshit, America was burdened with some early morning whining about the investigation into alleged ties between Russian officials and the Trump team.This week, the Justice Department appointed a special counsel (i.e. not"councel"). Predictably, Trump responded by tweeting claims about Obama and Clinton that he didn't bother backing up with evidence:

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Apparently This Is How Obama Really Feels About Trump - Complex

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