Biden Privately Points to Praise of Israel Approach as Proof He Was … – The Messenger

President Joe Biden has privately pointed to praise he has received for his unconditional support of Israel during the first several weeks of the Israel-Hamas war as a measure of proof the advice he had given former President Barack Obama on conflicts in the region should not have been dismissed, per a new NBC News report.

Sources told the network that the president has privately said that in 2014, Obama and his staff dismissed Biden's advice that the best way to respond to Israel's military invasion of Gaza would be to express kindness towards the country without condemning them publicly.

Obama publicly criticized Israel's actions at the time, which Biden argued eliminated any capacity to influence the Israeli government.

"If this was the Obama years, we wouldve been a lot more publicly critical than we have been by now," one senior administration official told NBC News. "And that wouldnt work. We wouldnt have the influence."

Biden's private comparisons to Obama decreased as the conflict continued and criticism over the president's unconditional support surfaced publicly and within his own administration, according to the report.

Many have called on the president to express more criticism over Israel's military approach towards the conflict and have demanded that he express support for an indefinite ceasefire.

The president has maintained strong support for Israel as the war has lasted, but has become increasingly critical of the continuing humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the ongoing violence.

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Biden Privately Points to Praise of Israel Approach as Proof He Was ... - The Messenger

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