Brookhaven News – Local News for Brookhaven, PA

Dear EarthTalk: What do green groups think about the outcome of the recent Paris climate talks? -- J.L. On December 12, 2015, 195 countries assembled at the COP21 Climate Conference in Paris produced a 32-page agreement outlining goals to phase out industrial carbo...

Holiday traditions like traveling to visit with family and friends, decorating and making special dishes are what many of us look forward to each year. Sending cards and packages and, of course, shopping, all figure into the equation and many of us take time to remember thos...

Seniors Turn Leftover Food Into Savings When Eugene Hartl found out that his senior lunch site would be part of a project to reduce food waste, the 76-year-old might have fussed over having to separate his leftovers into various containers. Instead, he was all in. "This is...

Dear EarthTalk: Whats the latest in cutting-edge, hyper-efficient solar cells? Are we really moving beyond huge photovoltaic panels anytime soon?-- M.W. Many people still consider environmentalists favorite black panels as the cutting edge of re...

You have heard the expression a dog is a mans best friend, but what about a little girl? Bella Burton proves that a dog can be not only a best friend, but a huge help in getting around. Bella has a debilitating disease, which makes it difficult for her to get around witho...

Spending time in the hospital is never fun. Sure, doctors and nurses are nice and take great care of us, but if youre a six-year-old undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments, you can begin to forget what it feels like to be a kid. Read moreNoah Wi...

Dear Earthtalk: Where do the leading candidates for the Republican presidential nomination stand on environmental issues? -- S.W. In recent decades, Republicans have certainly been far less sympathetic to environmental causes than the Democrats, and this yea...

Dear Earthtalk: Where do the leading Democratic candidates for president stand on environmental Issues -- LM President Obama, with his recent push to join the world in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, will be a tough act to follow on the environment. But each o...

Dear Earthtalk: My company talks the talk when it comes to the environment but could do so much more to reduce paper use. Do you have any tips to help get the higher-ups on board to reduce paper use company?-- E.S. Cutting back on paper ma...

Below is the list of recently sold homes for Brookhaven PA. You can review MLS sale prices, home details and public records (including data from the tax assessor's office information) for all of the houses sold recently in Brookhaven. Be sure to bookmark this page and visit ...

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