COLUMN: Dems no longer the party of Clinton or Obama – Independent Tribune

Ironically, the more completely the sphere of autonomy is secured, the more comprehensive the state must become. Liberalism, so defined, requires liberation from all forms of associations and relationships, from family to church, from schools to village and community, that exerted control over behavior through informal and habituated expectations ad norms. Those controls were largely cultural, not politicallaw was less extensive and existed largely as a continuation of cultural norms, the informal expectations of behavior learned through family, church, and community. With the liberation of individuals from these associations, there is more need to regulate behavior through the imposition of positive law. At the same time, as the authority of social norms dissipates, they are increasingly felt to be residual, arbitrary, and oppressive, motivating calls for the state to actively work toward their eradication.

No words at least none this columnist is aware of better describe the far-left zealotry evident in this country, particularly over the last year. The destruction of historical statues, the dissolution and disrespect of family and family values, the insidious nature of vilifying the country at every turn all of it can be summed up by the loss of cultural norms traditionally undergirded by church, family and community.

The images and associations, in fact, are striking, including: Rioting and looting in major cities, socialists heavily involved in Bidens presidential campaign, Supreme Court nominees being vilified and condemned simply because the Constitution and traditional values couldegads! be supported by future Court decisions.

COLUMN: Dems no longer the party of Clinton or Obama - Independent Tribune

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