Elizabeth Warren says Obama got it wrong: It’s worse than Americans realize – MarketWatch

Voxs Ezra Klein says Elizabeth Warren is one of the Democrats most capable of defining the Democratic Partys soul and message in a post-Trump era. But, as she wrote in her new book The Fight is Our Fight, that doesnt mean shes always on the same page as the partys top dog.

She mentioned a speech President Obama gave in the summer of 2016 in which he said, the system isnt as rigged as you think.

Warren said he got it wrong. No, President Obama, the system is as rigged as we think, she said. In fact, its worse than most Americans realize.

Klein, in an interview posted on Wednesday, asked her what people miss about rigging. The senior senator from Massachusetts and founder of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, of course, had plenty to say on the topic.

She explained that there are the obvious ways that we are well aware of, like the campaign contributions and the armies of lobbyists.

But its so much more, she said.

Its bought-and-paid-for experts who testify before Congress and are quoted in the press, Warren continued. Its think tanks that are funded by shadowy money and always have a particular point of view that just seems to help the rich and the powerful get richer and more powerful.

She wrote of the revolving door of executives who work on Wall Street for 20 years, then work in the Treasury for a bit, and then head right back to Wall Street.

The giant payouts that they give to people to go work in government are just stunning. I mean, millions of dollars, Warren said.

She wasnt finished. Not by a long shot.

Money pervades. Its whose phone calls do you take. Its who you see in the evenings. Its who are your old friends, Warren told Klein. Its every part of it, so that the rich and the powerful are incredibly well-represented, not just at the top in the White House but all the way through government in this town.

You can listen to the full interview on Ezra Kleins podcast.

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Elizabeth Warren says Obama got it wrong: It's worse than Americans realize - MarketWatch

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