James Woods Goes In On ‘Muslim’ Obama – Think Americana

The Obama administration is believed to have deliberately put the kibosh on charging numerous drug dealers and arms dealing, such asHezbollahoperative nicknamed the Ghost, and Abdallah Safieddine, the terrorist organizations de facto envoy to Iran. All the while both Hezbollah and Iran made massive sums selling drugs, weapons and used cars, [along with] diamonds, commercial merchandise and even human slaves, say ex-Project Cassandra agents.

ISIS metastasized and spread across the world while Obama was president. He also flooded the US with Muslim refugees in an attempt to fundamentally transform America.

The Muslim Brotherhood also routinely waltzed into the White House to have meetings with Obama.

Barack Obama proudly traded traitor Bowe Bergdahl for 5 Taliban terrorists.He held a Rose Garden ceremony and invited Bowes dad in to speak.

Bowe Bergdahls fatherpraised Allahwhen he saidBismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahimwhich means In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate, while Obama nodded and smiled in agreement.Obamas IRS targeted Christians and conservatives while giving leftist groups preferential treatment.

Conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch uncovered yet another shocking abuse by Obamas IRS.

The Reason Alliance, which is a Massachusetts group that worships Satan, created an after school Satanic club for elementary schools.They received their tax exempt status by the IRSwithin 10 days of applying while Tea Party groups waited years. Pure evil.

One of the most evil acts by Obama was to viciously target the Little Sisters of the Poor. Innocent Nuns who dedicate their lives to helping the elderly simply because of their stance on contraception.

Obamasuedthe NUNS!

The Little Sisters of the Poor, a Catholic religious group for women who have dedicated their lives to the service of the elderly, was concerned that after more than a century of service in the US, the Obama Administration was pushing them out of the country. The order was previously banned in China and Myanmar. The Obama Admininistration was forcing them out of the United States.

Then you cant forget this gem. Where Obama talks about, My Muslim faith.

James Woods nailed it.

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James Woods Goes In On 'Muslim' Obama - Think Americana

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