John Oliver Sick Of Seeing Obama On Vacation While America Is On Fire! – Deadline

Im a little sick of seeing photos of President Obama on vacation with Richard Branson, John Oliver told Seth Meyers last night on NBCs Late Night, speaking for us all.

Tone it down with the kitesurfing pictures from Bransons personal island, the HBO late-night star complained to Obama in absentia.

Im glad hes having a nice time America is on fire! I know people have accused him of being out of touch with the American people during his presidency. I dont think hes ever been more out of touch then he is right now, Oliver described:

Were losing public schools whee!

Youre fiddling while Rome burns whee!

Oliver seemed particularly irked by the photo of Obama clowning around with billionaire Branson, as the rest of us grapple with billionaire President Donald Trump and his billionaire Cabinet.

Later in the interview, Oliver observed that Trump always acted like the most powerful man in the world. Thats how he carries himself. Now he actually has the power to go along with that. Its like The Secret was real, and it worked for one person, and unfortunately it was him.

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John Oliver Sick Of Seeing Obama On Vacation While America Is On Fire! - Deadline

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