Letter: Obama’s economy | Letters to the Editor | qconline.com – Quad-Cities Online

Donald Trumps most often repeated claim in his reelection campaign is that hes been a great job creator. To hear him talk, youd think that job creation skyrocketed after he became president.

But data from the Department of Labor tells quite a different story. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the best three-year span of job creation in this century was 2014, 2015 and 2016. That was while Barack Obama, not Trump, was president. During those three years, the economy added 8.07 million jobs.

By contrast, during Trumps first three years as president (2017, 2018 and 2019), the economy only added 6.5 million jobs. Thats right, job creation slowed down after Trump became president and has never reached the level it was at during Obamas presidency.

The facts show that it was Obama and not Trump who turned our economy around and gave us low unemployment, high job creation, a record-setting stock market and a shrinking budget deficit. Although Trump tried to take credit for Obamas economy, were now seeing the results of the Trump presidency on our economy.

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Letter: Obama's economy | Letters to the Editor | qconline.com - Quad-Cities Online

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