Letter to the editor: The Obama-Trump-Biden numbers – TribLIVE

The deficit President Trump inherited from President Obama was $0.59 trillion. Trump grew that to $3.13 trillion, an increase of over 400%. The deficit President Biden inherited from Trump was $3.13 trillion. Currently, the deficit is $1.70 trillion, a cut of over 40%.

The unemployment rate Trump inherited from Obama was 4.7%. Trump grew that to 6.3%, an increase of over 25%. The unemployment rate Biden inherited from Trump was 6.3%. Currently, the unemployment rate is 3.9%, a cut of over 35%.

The inflation rate Trump inherited from Obama was 2.1%. Trump grew that to 7.0%, an increase of over 230%. The inflation rate Biden inherited from Trump was 7.0%. Currently, the inflation rate is 3.2%, a cut of over 50%.

These numbers can be verified by any 6-year-old with a cellphone. If you disagree with the numbers, find a 6-year-old to help you. Math is not an opinion. I didnt state opinions. I only stated facts. There is no gray area. There are no judgment calls. It is black and white. Clear as day.

Math truly is not an opinion.

William Werts Jr.


See more here:
Letter to the editor: The Obama-Trump-Biden numbers - TribLIVE

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