Marsha Shearer is an Obama cheerleader and blind to Trump’s accomplishments – Villages-News

To the Editor:

Well the Opinion piece I just read from Marsha Obama cheerleader Shearer, is another of her famous slam-the-Republicans blather pieces.She sums up her misstatements and biased comments with the all telling last paragraph:For those hell-bent on remaking America in Trumps image, that is enough. It will also be the death knell for American democracy. And if that isnt the goal, it will surely be the consequence.Frankly speaking I as most other Americans seem to like just fine what the image of Trump showed the world. Particularly if you compare the stuttering, incoherent, forgetfulness, unpresidential outbursts cussing journalists of Biden as image of the Democratic, Socialist party your standard, well.The voting issues that have the majority of Americans upset about the 2020 election is the fraudulent unconstitutional state voting laws being usurped by an alleged COVID-19 need allowing voters to vote, by changing or ignoring the parameters, to legally vote. Throwing out voter signature verification, changing vote counting procedures, film showing votes being counted after staff were sent home. Voter fraud was a part of it but with so many states in violation for corrupted voter rolls a true voter count is impossible.My opinion is the billionaires like Soros, Steyer and others along with big corporations are funneling money to attorneys general campaigns to gain favorable decisions like the unconstitutional rulings of the state supreme court in Pennsylvania as well as states legislature allowing mail-in undocumented votes.The image shown by President Biden of being weak indecisive forgetful stammering searching for words not the image Americans want to represent this great country.All add up to (What the hell happened?) and we end up with Trumps great four years of accomplishments for this country and American people being destroyed instantly by proven corrupt Biden, inside trader queen Pelosi and Schumer along with the other tow Washington crime families of Clinton and Kerry.So, yes, we do prefer the image Trump portrays God, family and love of country.

Robert BasyeVillage of Piedmont

Marsha Shearer is an Obama cheerleader and blind to Trump's accomplishments - Villages-News

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