Michelle Obama Reveals Her Grandmothers Depression Was Often Confused For This. Heres How To Spot Depression – Forbes

On the latest episode of Michelle Obama's Audible Original, The Light Podcast, the former First Lady sat down with Conan O'Brien to discuss, among other things, her childhood and her mother's upbringing. One revelation that emerged from the conversation was that her grandmother struggled with depression - though Obama and others didn't recognize it as that at the time.

Instead of helping her, people accused her grandmother of being "snobby," or "tired" all the time, Obama said. "Now, looking back and knowing my grandmother, I was like, my grandmother was depressed."

Obamas family isn't alone in failing to recognize symptoms of depression in someone close to them.

Many people frequently mistake depression for something else. "Depression can look different from person to person," says Juanita Guerra, PhD, a clinical psychologist practicing in New Rochelle, New York. "And sometimes depression can mask as physical symptoms such as low energy, unusual tiredness, irritability, and aggressiveness." That's one reason its wise to consult with a physician to rule out potentially underlying medical conditions such as a thyroid imbalance or severe anemia.

But short of the presence of such medical conditions, depression can usually be spotted in symptoms or behaviors such as a marked change in sleep habits or appetite, a lack of interest or pleasure in exciting or enjoyable things, frequent irritability or moodiness, or an inability to concentrate or pay attention. "In extreme cases, depression can lead to feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and suicidal ideations," warns Guerra.

Of course, everyone goes through moments of sadness or short-term feelings of frustration or despair, and such feelings are natural and nothing to be alarmed over.

But severe levels of dysfunction - an inability to meet demands of everyday living such as showering or paying the bills - "differentiates depression from the occasional bouts of having the blues or feeling down," Guerra explains. Loved ones can spot such differences by noticing when the behaviors of those close to them begin differing from their typical baseline level of functionality. "This is valuable information that helps with diagnosing and treatment planning," she says.

And if you're the one struggling with depression, the best thing you can do is to get help. "Many people erroneously think their symptoms will magically resolve on their own," says Guerra. "But if youre clinically depressed, this is not the case and you will probably benefit from seeking out the support services of trained professionals."

She adds that too many people end up doing what Obama's grandmother had to do: wait out long periods of time before seeking help, if they ever do so at all, because they fail to recognize there's a problem in the first place or are too embarrassed to ask for assistance.

"We thankfully live in a much more accepting and understanding world than prior generations," says Guerra. "The key is to actively address ones depression by doing something; take some form of action to move in the direction of feeling better and being healthier."

I'm a healthcare reporter covering current health stories and health history at Forbes. I've published health or mental health stories for The Washington Post, The Atlantic, USA TODAY, Kaiser Health News, HuffPost, LiveScience, Parents, andPsychology Today.

Original post:
Michelle Obama Reveals Her Grandmothers Depression Was Often Confused For This. Heres How To Spot Depression - Forbes

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