Obama administration sowed the seeds of racial unrest – Seacoastonline.com

Aug. 15 To the Editor:

Former President Obama played a huge role in the violence we witnessed last Sunday in Charlottesville. Do you remember his quote from the movie The Untouchables? If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. He said those words at a Philadelphia fundraiser during the 2008 presidential campaign. Remember the New Black Panthers outside Philadelphia polls on that Election Day? Dressed in para-military gear and waving long night sticks to intimidate white voters whom they referred to as crackers." Obama and Holder did not bring these thugs to account for their actions. They had everything needed for arrest and trial but chose to not prosecute. "Equal justice under the law" is a concept foreign to that administration.

These were only two of the many seeds of racial unrest sewn by Obama and his fellow travelers. The riots, business burning and looting during his administration were many and he did nothing to stop them. Those seeds sprouted and grew into what we saw in Charlottesville last weekend.

The Democrat mayor of Charlottesville ordered the police to stand down during these protests on Sunday. Why were these violent, incompatible groups not kept away from each other? They were allowed to collide and the end result was predictable. Did the Democrats want a confrontation to happen? It would fit their play book and give the liberal media some red, bloodied body parts to chew on and spit out all over the president.

We now see where Charlottesville Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy is on administrative leave for making racist, misogynistic and homophobic tweets before he was elected to City Council.

People on the left have been weaned on the hate filled words and actions from the last administration, not the present one. Where democrats rule, chaos reigns.

Michael Dow

York, Maine

See the original post here:
Obama administration sowed the seeds of racial unrest - Seacoastonline.com

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