Obama, Channeling All of Us, Called Trump a RacistSexist …

If there was one major criticism of Barack Obama during the years between 2016 and 2020, it was that he didnt voice the opinions you know he had about his successor at the White House, Donald Trump. While millions of Americans were discussing the 45th president using terms like malignant tumor, burlap sack of excrement, and a staph infection on the ass of society, Obama remained quiet, not even mentioning Trump by name until the end of 2018. The 44th president reflected on his decision not to go after Trump in his memoir,A Promised Land, writing: I confess that there have been times during the course of writing this book, as Ive reflected on my presidency and all thats happened since, when Ive had to ask myself whether I was too tempered in speaking the truth as I saw it, too cautious in either word or deed, convinced as I was that by appealing to what Lincoln called the better angels of our nature I stood a greater chance of leading us in the direction of the America weve been promised. Thankfully, toward the end of the 2020 election, Obama chose to very much go after Trump, warning in August that the 45th president would tear our democracy down given the opportunity. And according to a new book, he had much saltier things to say in private.

The Guardian reports that in Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats Campaigns to Defeat Donald Trump, Atlantic staff writer Edward-Isaac Dovere reveals that Obama told foundation donors that Trump was

Trump does not appear to have heard about Obamas remarks yet, because if he had he no doubt would have published a 1,000-word rant about them on his blog, From the Desk of Donald J. Trump.

Last year, Business Insider reported the delightful news that both Barack and Michelle Obama were producing a comedy series for Netflix based on the chaotic transition of power when Donald Trump became president in 2016. The show, titledThe G Word With Adam Conover,is a collaboration between the comedian and the Obamas Higher Ground Productions, based onMichael Lewiss bookThe Fifth Risk,which was born out of aSeptember 2017Vanity Fairarticle. The bookcoversthe historic chaos and mismanagement that occurred in the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, and Energy during the handoff between the administrations. The G Wordwill reportedly be part documentary, part comedy sketch, the latter of which seems like the perfect way to recount the fact that Trump had absolutely no clue what he was doing when he got to Washington (and didnt learn in the proceeding four years).

Giuliani sure had a lot of devices with what were sure is totally not incriminating information on them!

In the future, Chris Cuomo will refrain from taking part in strategy sessions re: sexual harassment allegations against his brother

Thats generally, uh, considered a no-no for journalists. Per The Washington Post:

CNN anchor Chris Cuomo advised his brother, New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, and senior members of the governors staff on how to respond to sexual harassment allegations made earlier this year by women who had worked with the governor, according to four people familiar with the discussions. Cuomo, one of the networks top stars, joined a series of conference calls that included the Democratic governor, his top aide, his communications team, lawyers, and a number of outside advisers, according to the people familiar with the conversations, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the private sessions. The cable news anchor encouraged his brother to take a defiant position and not to resign from the governors office, the people said. At one point, he used the phrase cancel culture as a reason to hold firm in the face of the allegations, two people present on one call said.

The behind-the-scenes strategy offered by Chris Cuomo, who anchors CNNs 9 p.m. nightly newscast, cuts against the widely accepted norm in journalism that those reporting the news should not be involved in politics. If you are actively advising a politician in trouble while being an on-air host on a news network, thats not okay, said Nicholas Lemann, a professor at Columbia Journalism School and a New Yorker staff writer.

Obama, Channeling All of Us, Called Trump a RacistSexist ...

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